The Dragster | Teen Ink

The Dragster

January 2, 2016
By Trenthman BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Trenthman BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Over the summer I learned that I could face my biggest fear. Rollercoasters.  Whoosh! The dragster car flew by at 300mph. The sound of fear filled screams filled the air  in seconds. After a few seconds the screams became quiet and soon I could not hear them. But as I watched the car come back towards me I started to hear the screams in the air. I reached my hand out and could feel the wind the car was producing as it went by me.

I was outside the gate of Cedar Point with just minutes until the gates would open. I was a little nervous - But in reality, I was deathly afraid of rollercoasters. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and as I turned to see who it was they started to talk. It was my mother.

“Trent, when the gates open I want you to run as fast as you can to the dragster. So we won’t wait as long in the Dragster’s line,” said my mom.
“Alright mom, and how long until the gates open?” I replied.
“Just a few minutes,” said mom.

So as my mom said, when the gates opened I started to run. I looked around to see my family running by my side along with almost everyone else. So I just kept on running as fast as I could right for the Dragster. When I was close to the Dragster I noticed that not a lot of people were in front of us. So we definitely got a great spot in line. When I got there, there was almost nobody. So just about 30 seconds to get on opposed to 2 hours waiting in line. When the people in front of us left, we got in. It was seconds until we left the comfort of not moving to 300 miles per hour. 

As the Dragster took off it felt like I lost all movement in my head. My head was stuck to the seat from how fast we were going. Almost instantly we went from 0 to 300 in 3 seconds.

We went in a straight line for about 2 seconds, then up a hill into a loop. At first it wasn’t that bad… until the loop. When we reached the top of the loop it went kind of slow. I could see the entire park from here, but that was the least of my worries. After all of these thoughts, I had just noticed it was going down. I was really afraid: so I held on really tight so I would not fall. We started going down and I felt my insides traveling to my head. I started to feel like this was it. I am dead. But luckily I did not fall off, nor did the car detach.  It was not very fun. But at the same time I felt a sigh of relief. After just about a second we were at the bottom.

I felt the rollercoaster stop and I got out; I thought that I would fall, but I didn’t. I couldn't walk in a straight line at the time. When we went into the souvenir shop I saw my pictures and it did not look pretty. I turned and saw my family laughing at everyone's photos so I joined in too. Once we finished laughing we started to leave the shop to go to another rollercoaster.

After we left the souvenir shop I realized that I wasn’t scared of rollercoasters anymore. Also that it was possible to face my fears and get it over with, even If I was forced to. After a little bit of time I rode the next biggest, baddest and most awesome roller coaster. But after I got off I had a strange feeling. I felt like not throwing up! It was actually fun.

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