The Epic Fail | Teen Ink

The Epic Fail

December 18, 2015
By Anonymous

I told everyone I could do it and it was gonna be easy but they didn't all agree. Most people knew who we were against and didn't think we could do it but our team believed otherwise. My two friends Gabe and Christina agreed that we could do it but to do it but I couldn't mess up which I normally don't do. We were at a robotics competition and our plan was to have me drive the robot to victory but not all plans work.

2 minute before the match started I sent Gabe to get a new battery now the clock is ticking down and we don't have much time before it starts.

“Excuse me please move I need to get through”, said Gabe.

“Come on Gabe hurry up there is less than a minute before the match starts and we haven't even set up for aton yet”, I yelled to Gabe.

“Ok ok Im here lets go”, said Gabe as he installed the new battery.

We quickly put the robot on the field and set up for aton. Everything was set up and we were seconds away from starting the match and I thought I was ready.

“Ready set go”, said the reff as all the bots zoomed around to score points while ours  stayed still.
We didn't have a program for the first 30 seconds because we had to program that and we ran out of time, didn't have any programmers, and just didn't feel like it. . After the first 30 seconds I picked up Gabe’s controller and jammed on the joysticks it moved full speed forwards. I collected 5 blocks to take up the ramp as I heard people cheering for another robot that was climbing the mountain. I get to the base of the mountain and prepare to go up while our partner gets points but falls off the mountain it was up to me. I go full speed up the mountain and we make it over the first bar and that was the hardest I made it to the middle mountain and dumped a load of 5 in. I thought that had won it for us and there was 1 minute left but I heard the crowd gasp and looked at the the bucket I scored in. I was on the red alliance and I scored in the blue alliances goal. I felt like it was all my fault-we might have lost because of me. Knowing that I went for another load to undo what I had just done. My heart raced as I jammed the joysticks backwards and off the ramp. I found 5 blocks and grabbed them as fast as I could. 30 seconds left I was lining up at the bottom of the mountain and I jammed the joysticks forward and it didn't want to go over the first bar. 20 seconds left I finally got over the first bar and drove right next to our goal. 5 seconds left I dumped and the last one went in milliseconds from the buzzer. I had scored 5 in the wrong goal and 5 in the right goal that meant the winner was up to if my alliance partner got enough before tiping.

“What did you just do Sam you scored in the wrong goal and now we might have lost”, said Christina.

“Well who knows we might have won we will find out in a sec”, I said very nervously. I think we lost the team is looking at me in fear.

“The final score is… blue alliance 123 red alliance 125” said the ref.

My heart raced as heard the scores we won by 2 points. I thought to myself HOW DID I PULL THIS OFF, my team looked at me; you’d think they’re near me but they were across the gym and I could see their joy.

I smiled at christina and she knew what I was gonna say “See i told you.”

She smiled back and playfully said “shut up.”

In the end we did win the match but we would have had 50 more points if I scored in the right goal. It was a scary experience because that match decided whether or not we were gonna make it to the next level or not. There was a 2 point difference and that was because I made a big mistake. I had forgot our one rule: always pay attention even in fear. From this experience I have learned to always pay attention and not be so cocky so I don't scare our team.

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