The Buzz of the Bee | Teen Ink

The Buzz of the Bee

December 17, 2015
By cameron123 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
cameron123 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I ran down towards the bottom of the hill. I got to him and he was crying. He was bawling his eyes out. I didn’t think it would happen. But, of course it could in the summer with all the bees and everything. My thoughts were racing and I was panicking. I had to get my little brother home, and fast!

It all started when my two brothers and I were at a Fourth of July party on the third at our friends’ house with a lot of people. We were all really excited to see the fireworks roar into the sky. But then, something terrible happened. I didn’t think It would. It just came out of nowhere.

All of a sudden, my friend told me that my little brother was stung by bees.

“Hey Cam!” yelled my friend. “Brady got stung by bees. He’s crying a lot.” Probably because he was only 6 years old and the pain from the bee sting probably unbearable for him. Oh gosh this is crazy!

I forgot that there were bees everywhere. Also, that he was allergic. I ran to him and I noticed that he was bawling. He must be in a whole lot of pain.

“He got stung two times” said one of my friends, “He got stung on his shoulder or arm.”

He didn’t know that my brother was allergic to bees - I told them afterwards. They told me to get home.

Eventually, me and my other brother raced my little brother home. This has happened before but he was young so his allergy wasn’t fully developed until now. I told him that he had to walk fast. We shuffled our way through the field. We needed to get him his EpiPen. An EpiPen is a device with a needle that injects epinephrine into someone through their knee. We got home and I yelled to my parents,

“Brady got stung by bees twice!”

My mom raced inside and grabbed an EpiPen. She didn’t take long. But there was one problem. It was jammed and it was the only way to help with his bee sting so he doesn’t have an allergic reaction.

“I can’t get the needle to come out!” grumbled my mom, struggling to push the button on the EpiPen. Come on needle come out!

I started to freak out. We had two EpiPens but we could only find one. My mom finally got the needle to come out, but that was bad because we needed to inject the epinephrine into my little brothers thigh and we couldn’t. We then knew what we had to do… we had to call 9-1-1.

”I’ll go and call for an ambulance.” stated my dad quickly after the EpiPen didn’t work. Oh my gosh! What if he he starts to go into anaphylactic shock!

A while after we called 9-1-1 an ambulance came with it's sirens blaring and lights flashing and parked in front of our house. An EMS lady ran to the back and got in. I hoped that she could make things better. It is good we called 9-1-1 because if we didn’t, my little brother could’ve gone into anaphylactic shock. I hope they get here fast!
“What happened?” she asked. “My son got stung by bees twice he’s really allergic.” said my mom, worried.
My little brother got in the back of the ambulance and the EMS lady checked his heart and some other health things and it turns out that he was going to be fine. Please be fine, please be fine!

Finally, we got good news. My little brother was going to be ok. My family was relieved. The great thing is that my little brother got a teddy bear and a coloring book for doing a good job and being patient.

“I’m glad that he’s ok.” I said. Oh what a day today was!

The ambulance soon left and me and my two brothers headed back to our friends houses to see the fireworks show. It’s a good thing we made it before dark so we could still have fun. I’m so glad my little brother was alright. I hope he likes the show.

In the end, everything thing was alright and I was relieved`and I was glad that my little brother was ok. I didn’t think that he would be fine after getting stung by a bee but I guess I thought wrong. Also, I learned that I need to watch out for people and keep them safe.

The author's comments:

When I had to brainstorm ideas for personal narratives, I had to think of something that I learned from or that changed me and I then thought of something. But I didn't like theone I thought of was the one. So I then thought of something but I then had to change because my brother and I, who are both in different hours for Language Arts, had the same topic, so we then had to change ours. I then finally thought of something that would fit perfectly as a personal narrative.

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