Concussion | Teen Ink


December 17, 2015
By Amacii BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Amacii BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He was crying and falling over constantly. Everyone was worried. My whole family was panicking. My stepmom had to rush him to the hospital quick. We sped down the highway like a cart on a roller-coaster going down a hill. Little did we know at that time, my dad had a post traumatic concussion that would affect our life to this day.
It was when he started feeling dizzy and feeling like he had to throw up. That's when we all started to really worry about him. He kept falling over whenever he tried to walk. We had to rushed him to the hospital.

When we went to the hospital, he got seen immediately.

“What happened was,when I was at work,I got hit by a four hundred and fifty pound cart that ricocheted off another and got knocked to the ground by it”.
After my dad telling the doctor his symptoms,we waited 3 hours for his results. The tension was intense in the room. It was like waiting for your name to be called when you are giving a presentation in front of the whole school. You never knew when you were going to get called and if you're presentation was gonna be good or not. The anticipation was very intense. The doctor finally came with the results. We found out that my dad has a post traumatic concussion.

The doctor told us ”Only ten percent of people that get a concussion is a post-traumatic concussion.”
“Does it last longer than usual?” my step mom asked.

“It can last up to three months,or longer than three months,which can lead up to a year”.


I got really sad. I thought,”how are we gonna pay the bills if dad isn't going to work”.We thought it was crazy that my dad was part of that “ten percent”. I was thinking to myself,”Dad won't get better because he has to work”.The doctor told us that he has to go to Mary Free Bed to help with his concussion.Even though the doctor told my dad to go there,we haven't had any time to. The reason we don't have any time to go there is because my dad is the only person that works,and his job is not letting him take any days off with pay. Because of that,my dad has to keep working in order to keep our house. Meanwhile, my stepmom is working on getting a job, and I am also trying to get a job to help out my parents with the bills.

The doctor was talking to us about how my dad,”should be getting about a week to two weeks off from work”.
We responded with,”we can try to do that,but he’s the only one that works in the family.”

The doctor told us that,”I can write a note saying to give him two,to three days off, but that’s all I can do”.
We said “okay,we will ask them for more days off because of his concussion”

“They should be able to give him a week off because of this concussion” the doctor replied to us with
“We will see” My stepmom said.


With that being said, the doctor gave us the registration papers that you get at the end and we left with that.
When we were in the car, we talked about multiple things. On our way home,we talked about Mary Free Bed. Mary free bed is a rehabilitation center. They help people who have experienced a brain injury,spinal cord injury,stroke, etc. In this case, my dad has a brain injury. We talked about when to schedule an appointment for my father. We talked about our bills. We knew we were gonna get behind on our bills because my dad is the only one that works.
Because of what happened to my dad,I learned that you have to be prepared for anything,and that you always have to work through it. Even if the problem does not affect you physically, it can still affect you in many different ways. For us, we’re still working through this situation.

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