The Chipmunk in My House | Teen Ink

The Chipmunk in My House

December 17, 2015
By 40852 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
40852 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who let the chipmunk in?!?!?!

I crept out of my room, my door swinging close behind me. Then a terrible tear sounded off from the other room! I bolted towards the sound only to find a tear in the window screen. I looked around for my ginger orange cat who had obviously caused this gap in the window. I scanned my surroundings, looking for the corporate. All of the sudden he came rushing after what looked to be a furry cuddle little animal… then it ran closer to me and I got a better look at its distinct features. This Fuzzy creature had a white stripe down their back, and it was a aburn brown color, with a distinct small body. I then realized… it was a CHIPMUNK! “AHHHH!” I screamed petrified.

He was inching closer to me, when all the sudden he took my cats attention, making him follow through on a wild goose chase through my entire house. He made my cat slam into cupboards opening them, and allowing for dish pans, frying pans, and crock pots to fall off the shelves and onto the floor, where some dented, and others were perfectly fine. He destroyed the entire kitchenware almost. Then this Chipmunk went on to lead my cat into the family room where he swiftly landed 4 paws front into the Television, where the television slammed into the solid fiercely cold wood flooring. The fall startled the cat and the chipmunk… they scattered. I looked for them for maybe 3 minutes, when I eventually found them huddled together to keep from being hurt as if a ferocious beast were about to arrive at any moment. I quickly saw my chance to strike… the only problem was that they were under my bed and no where near an open area.That’s when it hit me! I shall get them to follow in my footsteps, towards the doorway of our humble abode. I spoke lightly, with a hint of fear, I simply spoke the words “Follow me you two. I’m bringing you somewhere nice and cozy.”

  “What are you doing Jonathan?!?!” my mom growled at me.
  “I’m getting rid of a rodent mom…” I shouted back
  “What kind of rodent?” She snapped back
  “The furry kind that likes to dig holes in the ground kind of rodents.” I responded back
  “A CHIPMUNK?!” She screamed
  “Yep. Now would you plz leave the room.
I will get rid of him.” I retorted back.

Now I was getting somewhere, as my mom started leaving I snickered, as she bolted from the vicinity. I had them by my fingertips, leading them straight for the door, where the chipmunk would be forced to leave my household. His little behind following me closely, as if he was getting ready to strike. Luckily he never lost sight of what he was following. He followed my cat, for the reason as he was following me.

We finally reached the door, the devious portal to the outside for which the chipmunk will be thrown through. I silently twisted the solid, cold old door knob. I had to do this, otherwise they were going to leave the area, if they heard, they would’ve looked in my general direction, where they would quickly realize what I was doing, so I waved my free hand around, trying to keep their attention on the hand and not my action. I finally managed to open the door, with the loud creak, startling the cat, and the chipmunk. The chipmunk tried to bolt for my bedroom, but I caught him just in time, for a massive, destructive soccer kick to his little face, where he launched out of the door, and into the outside world.


After what happened yesterday, I could only hope for the better. I woke up feeling refreshed, and replenished. I gently walked, over to the next room, where the window was sealed shut, and it looked like there had to be a replaced window screen. The window screen seemed reinforced, and had the deepening black color of a dark soul. It seemed to stare into you as if it were reading your mind, and looking deep into your inner self. I knew this was going to be a good day, and that this life defying screen would last for years. I knew after this day that a chipmunk would dare not frighten my family again, for this will be the last of rodent activity due to my new and better resistance against the death defying frightening experience… I hope.

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