Splash | Teen Ink


December 17, 2015
By carterross BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
carterross BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I thought to myself, “what if we got caught throwing these?”  As I was thinking this that small white dented up car pulled out from around the corner at the other end of the street. I got all excited like it was my last day of school. Nolan and I grabbed a blue and a red water balloon out of our bag and got ready to throw.  The car drove closer and closer. . .
We launched the balloons as high as the electric wires above the road. It seemed like forever as they soared through the air. They finally fell and landed on the windshield and roof of the car. After what seemed like forever of being in the air. The water splashed down and water went everywhere like the water in the ocean.
Nolan and I laughed while Luke stood a couple feet behind us. We stood there and stared at the car that we hit. Then we heard a . . .  . SCREEEEECH!  It was the tires from the car we hit burning a black line into the road as it stopped. My stomach dropped.
He yelled, “GET BACK HERE!”
The three of us took of running down the trails through the woods like a cheetah chasing a gazelle. We could see the man chasing us. He was gaining and I was running as fast as I could go. We got to a fork in the trail - Nolan went left, Luke and I went right. As I was running down the trail I thought to myself, “what if he catches one of us. What if we don't find Nolan.”
The trail led into an open field.
Luke and I stopped running to catch our breath. We couldn't see anyone behind us so we started walking down the trail.
As Luke and I walked down the trail a little farther we saw Nolan come out of the weeds a little ways ahead of us. Luke and I jumped and started running the opposite way because we thought Nolan was the guy.
Nolan yelled to us, “Guys it me, Nolan.”
We walked to each other and asked each other if anyone had seen the guy chasing us. Everyone said, “no.”
We walked a big loop through the woods and ran through backyards. When we were walking through back yards some people gave us dirty looks. We got back to Luke's house after walking for what seemed forever. We got back to his house and we all started laughing.
“That was crazy.” said Nolan.
I agreed with Nolan and I asked if they wanted to do it again later.
“Yeah, I'm in,” Nolan exclaims.
I learned that things like this can be fun but scary at the same time. It changed me because it scared me and made me a better person.

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