Barely but surely | Teen Ink

Barely but surely

December 17, 2015
By Lilimarie BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
Lilimarie BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I felt the warm salty tears rushing down my face. Like an ocean pouring out of my eyes. I could hear the heavy breathe of the security guards trying to control what was happening. My mother. . . being forced out of the building, my dad on the floor with a few cuts and bruises, my step-mom squeezing me so tight, trying to keep the tears in her eyes. “Somebody help that man on the floor,” a near lady said with a freaked out look on her face.
“ Ok I will go find somebody,” another said.
“Thank you but hurry please, help my husband,” cried out my step-mom in a panic.
I hoped if I kept my eyes closed long enough everything would go away and go back to normal. Then I wouldn’t have to feel the tears, smell the smells or hear struggling guards trying to control my mother. . .
Earlier that morning we walked into the huge court building. It was boring looking, like an old run down museum. Smelt bad too, like leather from all the briefcases and nice shoes that the lawyers wore. We walked up some stairs and my dad went to talk to a lady at a desk to tell us where to go. She said what room and we went in the courtroom to meet the judge. She seemed nice but her smile looked fake. I thought to myself “Wow I feel bad; each day she has to deal with horrible families. That would so suck.” After we meet the judge my step-mom and I went to the hall to wait and my dad went inside to wait for my mom to show up. A little bit later she showed up.
I was in the hall incase they needed me; we were there for what I thought was switching weeks for who I’m with and when, but now after it all, I think there was more to that. The hall was quiet. Little to no noise at all except me and my step-mom and a few others, it was almost empty and so very boring. She was trying to keep me busy with things to do. We walked around and looked at pictures on the wall.
Then I heard a yell. My step-mom looked at me with disbelief. Thoughts rushing in my mind, “Who was that? What is happening?”      I could tell she knew what was happening, but I didn’t . . . then I did. Screaming from what sounded like a man, I just wished it wasn’t my dad, but sadly it was. I heard the judge yelling “Get off him now!”
“NO!” my mother yelled back
“SECURITY!” yelled the judge.
But my mom wouldn’t budge. One security guard after another went into the room and before I knew it I was at the door watching ; it was a bit like a horror movie . . . I think horror movies aren’t as scary though.
It felt like forever but we were there for less than an hour and then it happened. . . I also didn’t remember even going to the door but I remember what I saw.
My mom was on top of my dad, kicking, scratching him, yelling. She was like a rabid animal attacking. At one point I think she was trying to choke him. I had never seen anything worse. My own mom attacking my dad. The guards got her off after a while. But my step-mom grabbed me and pulled me away from the door, holding me so tight I couldn’t breathe that much. Then all of us were forced to leave. I’m pretty sure we aren’t allowed back there again, I would be shocked if we were.
In that moment that day I learned how life changes in a blink of an eye; all the time how family can change at moment of any day.  I definitely will not forget that day. It was a real life changing experience and it was just one of the worst things I have had to witness my family do. There are more but this is in the top ten. I just think of how things could have been worse and I move on. Barely but surely move on.

The author's comments:

This happen last year and it was one of many worse days of my life.

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