Moms wedding day | Teen Ink

Moms wedding day

December 17, 2015
By Anonymous

It’s been a long night talking to family and running out of tissues but at least now she's happy. I wasn't sure about him yet but I trusted my mom. Moving down the walkway and seeing everybody tear up I knew she was coming not to far behind me. flashbacks came into my mind.

“well maybe you should just leave” I heard over and over again from upstairs as they were screaming at each other. Sitting there freezing cold on our driveway, face was wet and a million thoughts were going through my mind.
After waiting all these years it was her big day, also a big day for me. Every movement made me closer to the alter. With flowers in my arm and my sister playing in the pedals I looked around, family all over the place chuckling and sobbing. It was like a movie put in slow motion, it was so weird seeing this day finally come. They were both standing there eye to eye smiling like they won a million dollars.
“Are you excited about them?” My aunt asked, as I got pushed back into reality.
“yes, very much...”  I reply trying my best to give a loving grin. Looking away in the crowd of people I had another flashback run through my head but this one seemed like it had a different meaning and it was trying to get me to realize something.
“What's wrong mom do you want me to call grandma?” I remember saying this like it was yesterday. Mom was on the couch with a blanket with multiple tears running down her cheek, I had no idea what to do, seeing I was only a young one at that time. In all actuality in my little brain I knew what was going on, My father had left and my mom became a single parent.
Before I could finish my day dreaming, the ceremony was over. Everybody went back to there seat and the crowd settled down.
“I would like to say a little something to this happy couple and their loving children” the best man said as he rose from his seat.
As time went on and half the people said the toast to my mom and stepdad it finally came to me. My bones were trembling and I could feel my heart racing 100 beats per second. Why was I so nervous? Why was this making me feel like I was gonna have a panic attack? All this thought going through my mind i became fully aware that everybody was staring and waiting for me to say something. Well here I go, If i mess up i'll just accidently spill my water.
“My mom is someone special to me and so is her happiness. This is a different situation because this is her first marriage but i'm willing to help her through anything that comes her way and if she's happy i'm happy.” That wasn't so hard  I thought to myself.
The party was still going, everybody dancing and sitting at their tables laughing and having a good time. Wait where's my mom?!  it started to cool down and people started calling it a night. I was sitting at the main table thinking off all the possibilities where she could be. The only people left were my grandma, step dad, sister and the DJ.
“ Hey grams.. i'm gonna go look for mom upstairs” I said trying not to sound nervous
“Alright sweetie come back down in 5min and help us clean up” was the reply I heard as I made my way into the elevator. These things creep me out, what was that? This can't be happening. It did happen, there I was standing there in the elevator that wasn't moving. Pounding on the doors and pushing the alarm button for at least 15min until it started moving and the doors opened. There she was in the hallway bringing my sister to the bathroom. Everyone in my body relaxed and I went back down but this time using the stairs.
The DJ played one last song for everybody that was still there and I just sat back and watched what was left of the wedding. I had one more flashback as I was dozing off into the air about how everything changed from then to now. Maybe things aren't gonna be so bad after all; and I learned to accept my step-dad. That day was one of the best in my life.

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