My Race | Teen Ink

My Race

December 11, 2015
By Vanaenae BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Vanaenae BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
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“Hi, im Vanessa, in this story i'm going to talk about something that's true, it's about my race that's been struggling for many years and still struggling till this day”

Mexicans have been coming to the U.S for many years now but Americans still think they should go back, but what they really don't notice is that we probably made your house and the building you work at. Donald Trump for example, he wants to become president for he can send all Mexicans back to Mexico, but his suit jackets were made from Mexico and his girlfriend is mexican and an immigrant.

In the past years mexicana have been getting jobs here because they pay a lot more than what they do in Mexico, the only jobs they get is where nobody will notice that they are here without paper, but all they want is to support their family. The hard thing about all this is that we have to live in secret and stay low, if we are not careful we will get deported, it will be either one of the family members that got caught gets deported or the whole family. We still make the effort to come here on trains, by going with Los Coyotes and with no papers to be legal. Compare 50 years ago; 1965 to know 2015, we have achieved many things, we have fought to be here and stay here,  we deserve to be here. We have rose to be here and we earned it.

Since my family and I moved here from Mexico, we had to live in secret, my parents had to get low paying jobs to support my sister and I, we were living in a little trailer with my grandma. My father worked at Taco bell and my mother was cleaning houses. My parents worked hard everyday while my sister went to school and my grandma watching me they got enough money to buy a trailer right across from my grandma's place, we lived there for a year or two then we moved in a beautiful house here to lafayette, I was about 3 years old and my mother took me to school the next day; I was so nervous and scared, but once I started getting comfortable I started making friends. The main thing I focused on in school is building, drawing, writing and math, those were my main reason I loved going back to school, but the problem was I was getting bullied for, my race, how I acted and I was getting pushed around. Four years later, i'm in 3rd grade, that's when i met a girl who became my best friend, mostly like family to me and her name was Adriana Iturbe, she helped me me happy and not to care about anyone else who didn't like me and just focus on me. Eight years later, i'm starting middle school and still struggling with being an immigrant but only my best friend Adriana knows, I went to my first class and that's when i realized I need to do good because i need to change my opportunities to be successful because im mexican, that's when I started completing my goals and dreams.

Two years later, i'm in 8th grade, im doing good in school and my dad opened a restaurant, I was amazed on how my dad was a busboy, server, cook, manager then now he is a boss, when this happened I saw how successful my dad has become and I wanted that type of success. Alright let's speed up one year later, my parents are getting their permits, im doing good and school, I was in football and now i'm in basketball, so many things have lead me here to be such a successful mexican teenager. One of my teachers asked me “Why are you so interested and so engaged in this subject” and I told him very specific reasons. Here are the reason why; My family hasn't had the opportunity to go to a good school, or go to a good college because we came from Mexico and I want to change those opportunities for the better. I think being engaged in something and actually trying will make your life a lot better, for example like my dad he is very successful, he opened his own restaurant through time, from being a busboy to being the boss of an amazing italian restaurant, I want to do good in school for I can go to college, I would be the first in my family to go to college and I don't want to ruin my chances or opportunity, I want to take all the opportunities i can get because a lot of mexicans don't have a lot of choices. Working hard through high school will help me get into a good college, once I get my job I will be able to support my family and myself, like my mother says “If you do your business now and finish what you have to do, you will have an amazing life after. 

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