Writing Problem | Teen Ink

Writing Problem

December 11, 2015
By MeatWagon22 BRONZE, Elk Rapids, MI, Michigan
MeatWagon22 BRONZE, Elk Rapids, MI, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My palms were sweating as I struggled to find words to write on the empty piece of paper. I
was overcoming the fact that I couldn't figure out how to write as fast or as good as the other
students because it was hard for me to understand what words I should use to write a good
sentence that would make the teacher imprest in my writing. Even though writing was a struggle
for me, it also enriched my life by telling me that even though I struggled, I wasn't the only one
that was having problems with writing in the world. It also made me feel special inside and out
by making me feel like myself. Writing for me was a struggle but I overcame that problem and
understood more about myself.

During my 4th grade year in school I was starting to have trouble with writing in school
and at home. When I entered my 3rd grade I thought that year was easy because I could
understand every subject that came my way. I could easily pass everyone even writing
because it was easy. It was easy because there was barely anything we had to remember
and that helped me get pass the 3rd grade. When I got to 4th grade however, it started to get
a little confused and eventually didn’t understand the new order that the paragraphs had to be
ordered in order to get the full points on the assignment.

At this time, I know I needed some help at this point because I was failing at writing. I didn’t
care if I got help from home or from the teachers at school. I knew I needed help with my
writing grade at this point. I did everything I could to try and get my grade up so I could get
my grade up and so I could pass the 4th grade and so I could pass any writing assignment
that came my way. I got help by asking my parents, teachers, and other students, even my
friends for help so I could understand how to write nicely and to understand how to write so
then it would make sense. All through 5th grade, I also struggled with writing a lot and I still
got help from my parent and teachers in order to pass the 5th grade. It wasn’t until 6th grade
when I finally understood writing.

Since I was 10 years old, I never understood writing because I always thought writing was
hard to put together or even understand how it worked. But as right now as an eighth grader I
understand how writing works and how it can affect my life if I don’t learn how to write the right
way. I also noticed that without writing all the people in the world wouldn't be able to understand
others around the world without seeing them in real life and asking them a question. As of today
my life is going great and I hope my life will only get better from now.

Writing for me was a big struggle as a little kid but today as a teenager, I overcame my
problem and I know now that without writing we wouldn't understand what others are saying if
they couldn't speak our language. I overcame this problem by getting any help I could so I would
be able to understand how writing works and to write a good paragraph without even me not
understanding it. I also overcame writing by write little stories that I thought made sense and
when they were done I would show them to my teacher or my parent and see if it made sense to
them. Some people might think that struggling with something is stupid and other people might
make fun of then because of it but struggling at something is good because it can make you
stronger and it can help you realize how to fix your problem but better. Struggling for me made
me stronger by telling me that someday I would understand how to write more clearly and I
could write better than the last one I wrote with more detail about my topic and also put more
imagination and creativity into the next one as well.

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