Personal Narritive | Teen Ink

Personal Narritive

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

Divorces are starting to become more common now so it's easy for me to overcome it. My parents got divorced about two years ago. It seems like it wasn’t that long ago when it happened. Divorces usually involve lots of arguing at the beginning. After a while it usually just stops and then they start to just hate each other. It seems like divorces happen more when families have two or more kids. This is how I overcame my parents divorce.


I sort of remember what my life was like before they got divorced. My dad would usually make dinner at like four thirty in the afternoon because my mom would always have to leave for work at five thirty. She would go to sleep for most of the day when she got home from work in the morning. Then she would get a week break from work. My dad would do most of the cooking and cleaning around the house. My mom would then do all of the cleaning for him when she didn’t have to work. As the years progressed, my parents would start to argue more and more. I remember them arguing about something on Christmas Day. Then, I think it was in January when my mom said that she was going to the store to get some food. After about three hours she came home but had only two bags of groceries. I was a little angry that it took her so long because I had to watch my little sisters the entire time. A couple of months passed by until my dad went to get the mail because my mom told him to get my report card. He got the mail and came back home to look through all of it. That’s when my dad found the divorce papers. My mom didn’t even talk to him about it. That’s what happened before and during the divorce.

I can remember what my life was like after the divorce. It started off pretty simple, my mom decided to rent a house in Rapid City. It was smaller than my dad’s house, but I was fine with it. I kept thinking that they were going to work it out and then we would all live together again. My dad tried to but mom refused so then they both just moved on. It was about four months later when my parent started dating other people. When they were getting divorced there was a lot of arguing. My birthday was coming up so I was wondering what they were going to get me. I was hoping that it would be something good because they haven't gotten me a gift for my birthday in two years. My birthday finally arrived but I wasn't as excited about it as I usually was. Wen the afternoon arrived that's when my dad said that he couldn't afford one for me since I chose to go a baseball game. My mom said that she was going to head to the store to get it but when I asked her about it she told me that it was too expensive. That's when all of the excitement I had went away.

It didn't take me too long to overcome the divorce. It was a struggle trying to help move all of my mom’s stuff out of the house. I've learned that things are never going to change and that it will be like this for the rest of my life. I wish that it didn't end up like this but it's part of life so it doesn't really matter. I'm not going to argue with my parents because it will just make it worst. I'm going to just go with it because they're my parents and I care about them. It’s weird on holidays like Christmas because we have one at my mom’s and then one at my dad’s. I would rather have just one Christmas but I guess it's cool since I get double the gifts. Now I'm used to going place to place. I didn't really like it at first but I'm okay with it now. I have overcame the divorce and I've realized that it's not that bad.

My parents divorce is not as bad as you think. I switch houses every week, so I go to my mom’s then I go to my dad’s and it repeats like that unless there's a holiday. Although divorces sound really bad, they are actually okay. I'm not excited about it happening but if they're happy then whatever. I didn't expect them to get divorced, everything seemed fine. If they never got divorced, than we would still be living together. There wouldn't have to be any arguing. That's one of the many things that I have overcome in my life.

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