My Anger Problems | Teen Ink

My Anger Problems

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

When I first started my sixth grade year, I thought of it as a starting of a perfect year. The reason why I thought it was going to be a good year because of how the first week of school went, but that changed after the first quarter of  school ended. After that quarter, my year went bad because none of the teachers wouldn’t explain the assignment,so I almost failed the class. Then school started to get more complicated and I started to fall behind everybody else. When I fell behind everyone, I felt left out of everything, but when my friends came to hangout with me I would be really happy to be with them and never want to lose them. If I lost my friends to what I’m about to talk about I would not show my face around any school again. My anger was most hardest thing for me to overcome in my life.

When the second quarter started for my sixth grade year I had been working as hard as I could to get my grades up. When I would get a bad grade for something that was really small, I would get really angry and it would mess up my whole day and I would go home in a bad mood. When I went home angry I would take all my anger, out on one of my siblings or my parents. When I took my anger out on my siblings I would get in really big trouble and then I would go in my room and start to throw stuff around get into even more trouble. After I got done throwing stuff, I would get in a fight with my parents and then they would leave after saying, “ Get your homework done, “ then I would.

Now I am starting my eighth grade year and I still have anger problems or temper tantrums but I don't have them as often as I used to. The way I deal with them now is that I walk away or talk to somebody about the problem. I still have some problems that I had in sixth grade but I can handle the problem better than I use to. When I'm about to have temper tantrums, I try to walk away but if it doesn't work I try to forget about the problem that was going on. When I forget about the problem, I walk away from it befor it starts again. After the problem gets over with, I walk back to where it began.

The way I started to overcome my anger is, because of my family, friends and the me. The reason why my family made me overcome my anger is by trying to help me by getting the help I needed to get back on track and for caring for me by buying stuff that I need and giving me a place to sleep. When my friends got in my life, they helped me overcome my anger by being by my side and my fear of losing them because of my anger. Another thing that keeps me from getting angry is the thought of my grandpa. The way my grandpa helped me was by taking me somewhere and doing something fun. The way I helped myself overcome my anger was by taking control of my life and not my problems. Also I did everything I could do to get myself back to my normal life.

Anger was the most difficult task for me to overcome in my life. When you are overcome something in your life, it can make you stronger. The way it makes you stronger is by making your life better and it makes you more self confident. That is what happened to me when I overcame my anger it made me more self confident. When I became more self confident I was able to get more friends and get my homework done on my own and not that much help from the teachers. Now my life is better than it was in sixth grade.

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About my life.

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