Bullied | Teen Ink


December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

What happened to me when I was a little kid was a little embarrassing and maybe just a little bit hurtful. Bullies are not fun, they are just mean and hurtful people. Also if you ever gotten bullied before and if had stopped you should be happy that it did? If it didn't talk to someone that will help you with your problem maybe teacher, your mom, dad the other one is your principle. 

When I was a little child I was bullied a lot by the same person. He would never stop I did not want to tell a teacher because I was scared that he would just bully me even more. I did not tell the teacher, and my teacher’s name was Lazzara, and the kid that was bullying me was Marcus. I remember that I  asked my Mom that there was this one kid that is being mean to someone what could be wrong with him. My mom  said they might be having hard trouble at home like their mom and dad are fighting a lot.

Marcus was bullying me for a long time about like say two years but I was still not going tell anyone. The next day I was talking with my friends and Marcus just walked up and punch me in the arm as hard as he could. I just couldn't take it anymore so I just punch him as hard as I could but when I punched him I got in trouble and had to go to the principal's office. Then I went to schools after that one day and he did not bully me for a while so I thought he stopped. He didn't because When it was lunch time and he was asking for money. I didn’t want to give him my money. the reason why was because it was my lunch money but he grabbed me and took it out of my pocket.

I still did nothing about the bullying but I just sat down with some of my friends and they were being nice to me by giving me food unlike that one kid Marcus he just took my money. It wasn't all that bad when he took my money because that was just ten percent of what he actually does but the he would like trip me, push me in a water puddle but there was a lot more stuff he did to me but I was happy that I had friends that were nice to me that didn't push me around. I still remember the most thing that he did to me that I hated so much was that he would ask all of his friends and a lot of people to follow him and when he was behind me walking he would pull down my pants and show everyone but he would do it every friday.

I had overcome my fear when I was bullied by going to a teacher one day. Marcus wouldn't stopping making fun of me so I just went to a teacher and told her all about what had happened. I told her that Marcus has been bullying me for about 2 years. She was a little upset at me but then she was happy that I talked to her about it. Mrs. lazzarza well she I a really nice teacher. So when we were walk down the hall to Marcus and when we got to him Mrs. lazzarza was mad at him and she talked to him about why he was doing this. Marcus got into a lot of trouble so that is how I overcome my fear when ever I am bullied I should go to a teacher and talk to them all about was had been happening.

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