It's Harder Than it Looks | Teen Ink

It's Harder Than it Looks

December 18, 2015
By HannaSchmid BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HannaSchmid BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“So it sounds like you have epilepsy , So you will have to have an EEG done soon to see if you really them bad or not ” said the doctor;
“ Epilepsy is a brain disease, It can affect all parts of your body but mostly the brain,  She can still have it when she's older so it can affects her driving and her at  school.”
When the doctor was talking I kinda drifted off and was thinking about what all those words mean and then I looked over at my mom she has a confused look on her face and then started asking questions like…..
“Is this treatable?”
“ Is it going to be with her entire life?”
“ How long will she have this?” said my mom and she went on and on and on.
The the doctor started talking  “ No, she will have this her entire life , she might even have seizures again when she’s older.”
“ So what does this mean?” My mom said with a questionable look on her face.
“ She will have to be fitted for an EEG soon , to see how bad they are.
“Okay time to get you ready for you're EEG” she said in a accent
“ Okay” I said
“ we will have to stick wires to your head and you will have to lay on this chair for about a half an hour” “ Um...Okay will it hurt”
“ oh no not at all” “ Okay” a half an hour went by rather quickly
“ Okay we're done , We will have the results in about a week”
“ Mom there’s a letter from the doctor”
“ Give it to me , Let me read it”
“ What does it say?” I said in a curious voice
“okay so it says * Hanna will need to come in for a MRI her appointment is……*”
“ What’s an MRI ?” I asked
“ It’s this thing where you go into the donut looking thing and you have to stay still so they can see what's going on inside your  brain.”
*Ring* * Ring* *Ring*
* this call is reminding Hanna Jean Schmid about her appointment today…...Blah Blah Blah* I hung up
“ who called?” my mom asked
“ The doctors just reminding us about my appointment today.” I said
“ Oh yeah thats right you're appointment is today , I completely forgot”
                                                      Later that day
“Mom, My appointment is in 30 minutes” I yelled
“Okay , Okay i’m coming”   she yelled back
“Time to go” , Yelled my mom
“ Okay” I said
“ You will have to get into a gown before you start you're MRI” Said the doctor
“Okay” I said
“ What movie do you want?” the doctor said
“ What movie do you have?” I said
“ Umm lets see, We have Finding Nemo, Lion king , Toy story , and the Spongebob movie.” said the doctor
“ SPONGEBOB MOVIE!!” I said with an excitedly
“ Okay, you will have to stay still or we will have to start over.” Said the doctor
“ Okay you are done, you did a really good job!” said the doctor, “ How was the movie?” she said
“ Good.”  I said
I remember the first time I went to the doctor about this he was talking about how I will have to get blood drawn every 3 months: I wonder when that starts? I didn’t have to do that much different , but whenever I blacked out someone would have to either shake me or say my name. At school was a lot different because no one knew and I would just have a seizure in the middle of the class.
“Okay so it looks like Hanna is seizure free!” said the doctor
“ Oh thank goodness.” My mom said with relief.
It’s been 2 years, I am finally seizure free, But then again I could have them in the future. Going through all the EEG’s and MRI’s and giving blood and all the medicine , I’m done with all of it! I learned that epilepsy is a lot harder than it seems.

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