Misjudging Me | Teen Ink

Misjudging Me

November 17, 2015
By Andyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Andyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the one time I was misjudged of because of the way I looked and dressed  but, really I’m just a kid who was involved in activities I wasn’t supposed to be in. That’s one of my most things I regret doing but it’s too late to fix that now. Having that as my past doesn’t change who I am because mistakes are made and that was my mistake.

The time I was misjudged was during the evening of Tuesday when I went outside to meet up with my friend who was going to introduce me to his friends. I felt nervous being around people I don’t even know but it was the only way to make friends is by being around them.  A few weeks later I received a text from one of the “new” people I met saying “you look scary”. That ticked me off because how can I look scary but you don’t know me as much. I didn’t care though because I was still new to them.

Couple of months passed by almost a year now since they said I looked scary. Now they are saying that I’m nice but not just nice. They said I was the nicest guy in the apartments and that everyone else wasn’t like me. So I told them “I remember when you said I looked scary and mean though” then it became awkward for her so she changed the subject into something different but I just went along with it so she didn’t feel bad. From this I’m thinking that you can be misjudged easily by people who don’t even know who you are and from the way you look or dress.

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