The Little Things | Teen Ink

The Little Things

November 12, 2015
By oramelizabeth BRONZE, Napa, California
oramelizabeth BRONZE, Napa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My belief is that you should live a life full of laughter because you cannot truly live a good life without laughter. I love to laugh because when I do, it makes me feel alive. And sometimes all it takes is to notice the little things around you to laugh like you have never before.

I was dragging my feet on a worn out pavement trail with my sister on what seemed like the hottest day of my life. As endless amounts of sweat rolled down the side of our faces and smell of freshly cut and watered grass filled up my nose, the young couple behind us with a little brunette girl began yelling at one another. All of a sudden the heat from the sun was barely noticeable compared to the heat emanating from the couple. The couple was ferociously fighting about money issues, which was not surprising considering the state of their clothes.  The ginormous man, who looked like he was bloated with heated air from his anger, argued that they should go out more. The woman, whose hair was cut short and square like her attitude, disagreed, saying that they couldn’t afford it. She argued that they had too many bills to pay and that their daughter's school was sending them another monthly attendance bill.  At this point their conversation had escalated to where they wouldn’t even need a microphone for everyone to hear them.

As I listened to their conversation, like I could even help it because they were being so loud, I thought to myself about how bad I felt for the little girl because she’s stuck with those two and their gigantic ruckus they had going on. But as I look back to smile at the little girl to hopefully get her to smile back I was surprised to find that she was not even paying attention to her parents. She was too busy picking tiny yellow dandelion flowers out of the grass and smiling like she won a bucket of candy, to notice that her parents were having a very loud-heated conversation. I turned my head forward to look at the green scenery that was in front of me and try my best to ignore the people behind us because I knew it wasn’t polite to listen to other people's conversations, no matter how loud they are being. After a few minutes I figure that it's pointless trying to ignore them because I would still be able to hear them even if I put earplugs in and blasted my music. So, I turned to my younger sister, who looks so much like me, it’s scary sometimes, and try to have a conversation with her but as I open my mouth I hear what sounds like the squeakiest squeal slash snort I have ever heard. I immediately turned around with my heart thundering in my chest to see tiny black birds flying out of the trees and the little girl seems to be laughing so hard her head might fall off. At what, I didn’t know and neither did it seem her parents knew. But, as we all watched her laughing we all started to smile and then eventually we all started laughing too because her little high pitched laughter was just so contagious you couldn’t help it. 

That moment right then and there made me think that no matter what situation you are in you can laugh and make your life just that much better just because of the little things.

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