Forgive & Forget | Teen Ink

Forgive & Forget

November 12, 2015
By Abe.D BRONZE, Napa, California
Abe.D BRONZE, Napa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe to forgive and forget. Everyone deserves a second chance. When you're trying to apologize to someone and they cut you off or they don’t see your point of view, you don’t get the chance to apologize. They don’t forgive you or they don’t forget.

My brother and I usually tend to get into fights as just like any other siblings would. We know everything about each other,what color we like, what my secrets are. We are more than brothers, we’re best friends. One day we were arguing about who can do things better such as play an instrument better, or who can play video games better. My brother has loved music since he was very little, he’s mastered 4 instruments and he’s also been my teacher. On the other hand, video games has been around for a very long time, especially the call of duty franchise, which I’ve grown very fond of.

My brother and I are very competitive with one another so we take things sort of seriously. When it comes to music my brother usually tends to get the upper hand, but when it comes to video games, I’m usually the one to get the win on that. When we’re doing those types of things, nobody likes to lose so when one of us win we come up with an excuse to either do a rematch or to get mad at one another because we’re cheating of some sort. We yell at each other saying it wasn’t true or you’re lying that sort of stuff. We turn back and walk away not knowing if we would act the same after the fight we had.

It’s kind of hard not talking to each other when we live in the same house. After a while we find each other laughing and playing around with each other after the fight and we apologize to each other. It’s almost impossible, not talking to each other with that amazing bond we’ve had for 15 years. I know that nothing can break us apart. Forgiving is the best thing you can do,living with that hate in your conscious can tend to build up especially when you know it’s your fault  and you did nothing to fix it when you know you could’ve. Living a life of forgiving and forgetting is the way to go, you won’t have any grudges, you won’t have any hatred boiling up inside you’ll be the real you with no regret, nothing holding you back. Don’t wake up one day with regret, knowing you could’ve changed everything , don’t live your life with regret. Don’t be afraid to do something wrong, because we’re all human we all make mistakes and part of our life is to forgive the other person. As much as you want to forgive ,the other person wants to forget. They  want to move on with, live life with no problem and no regret. This doesn’t apply to just sibling, but for friends, family, cousins, neighbors. I know that nothing can break my brothers and I bond together. Not only as brothers, but as best friends. It’s time to make your decision. Forgive or forget.

The author's comments:

I used watercolor and colored pencil for this piece . My inspiration for my artwork was myself. I chose to draw a self portrait of myself because of how I can use my symbols to go with my face to represent my belief. My symbols were two hands shaking each other in a shape of a heart. Another is a Forgive and Forget sign. It has FOR in big letters, give and get are in small letters on top of each other. My belief was inspired by my brother Uziel and our amazing,crazy stories together. The belief to forgive and forget is hard for some people because they never came to realize how much it would affect someone’s life. During this project my art piece was hard for me. At first I chose to use colored pencil, but then I realized that it wasn’t going as I expected. It wasn’t popping out as I wanted it to, so I did a new one and with water color, it came out great. Even though it didn’t come out the best, It still means something and hopefully it will mean something to a lot of people.

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