Response to That's Gonna Leave a Mark Seminar | Teen Ink

Response to That's Gonna Leave a Mark Seminar

November 12, 2015
By Anonymous

Today’s presentation was done by Brant Menswar and was about his struggle not only in reaching entrepunarship but also his struggle in life. His words and music made tears comes to my eyes and connected to me in many different ways.

The first way I connected to him was his love and passion for music. The first thing he said was about how when you’re a musician you got nervous when you hear a gig is going to be backed and than only 3 people show up . I totally understand this as my choir teacher used to  say this all the time. Also I really loved how he connected the steps of musicianship into his presentation on entrepaneurship ; he compared the stages to the basement , the garage , and the concert.

Another way I connected with his speech was with how he described vunarability. You have to be vunerable in order to let yourself grow and become a better person . This hits right at home with and relates to the words in one of his songs that stated “ You know I need you but you ain’t around. “ This connects with me because  I don’t trust people easily and this connected to a moment in my life where I trusted someone. The song he mentioned “ Cover me” he said was about a man struggling with something who no one could help him until he found the one and this was how it was with me and my best friend . Well was. I met him and instantly he made me want to stop hurting myself and doing all the awful things I was doing. He’s long gone now and I need him and I don’t know what I’m going to do  without him to be honest. I miss him so much but he won’t talk to anymore and I see myself slowly slipping back into where I was before I met him but there was something else he said that caught my eye. “ Either you leave a mark on people or they leave a mark on you “ and what I definitely can say is this seminar has defintily left a mark on me.

“ Vunerability sounds like truth and feels like courage “ – Brene Brown . One of the main things I learned from this seminar in order to get somewhere in life I need to be willing to admit I am not perfect and I make mistakes. My whole life has been based on not making mistake but today I am making a statement I never thought I’d saydue to his seminar. I am not or will ever be perfect. This dosen’t mean I shouldn’t try it means I need to reach out for the help of others because I will never be able to completely help myself and achieve what I need to achieve.

The final thing that touched me today was the story of his son Theo. I connect with Theo in a sense that youre near death and you’ve given up hope because I was like that for awhile. My parents were in the same position Theo’s parents were. They were scared that there daughter was going to die. She was malnourished and on a level I can even relate more to Theo because it said one of his side effects was Psychosis which I also have as a side effect of my PTSD .

Overall this was a beautiful seminar and I couldn’t be happier I went to it. He had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and he seemed like a true and genuine person .

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