Elderly Home | Teen Ink

Elderly Home

October 30, 2015
By Anonymous

Last year I spent over 150 hours at an elderly home volunteering. Being in the elderly home was the best use of time I could have ever had. When I was there I saw how little volunteers they had and it made me very sad. So many elders and most of them were lonely with nobody to talk to. I spent time with 4 people mainly although when they had bingo days I would go around helping most people there. I wanted everyone to have a little bit of company. I played piano a few times and entertained some people by taking them for walks, playing cards with them, sitting down and talking to them, and telling jokes. Sadly my life got to busy to be able to be there more but I am grateful to have had the experience and to have been able to give those people some company that they wouldn't have had otherwise. 

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