This I Believe Essay | Teen Ink

This I Believe Essay

November 5, 2015
By Sierra.C BRONZE, NAPA, California
Sierra.C BRONZE, NAPA, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in words. Whether they be on paper or coming out of someone’s mouth, words are important. They change the world! For example, where would we be if not for the inspiring and powerful expressions said by people like Socrates or Plato. Philosophers started conversations  thousands of years ago and they are still being discussed. Scientists, too, have started their own debates. Sharing these words have advanced our knowledge and gotten us thinking, articulating, and beginning revolutions about these words. The articulation of these thoughts begin a revolution and affect how we think. My life has been changed by words. The shortest of phrases have stuck with me throughout  my life. I think about them and repeat them often. Phrases like“I love you” and  “you mean so much to me” make me feel important, so I repeat these phrases to share this importance. I remember one of the most important phrases I ever heard.

“Don’t let words affect you.” I heard this one day in the fourth grade. On a bright morning in the spring, I had had the worst day of my life up to that point. I had been teased and pushed around by the other children there and I felt like nothing could make my day worse. At the end of that day, I packed my bag and began to walk home, but my teacher stopped me. She pulled me to the side and told me not to feel bad because of what the children had said to me. I couldn’t believe she had tried to tell me that. I felt betrayed. How could she tell me that their words meant nothing when I had felt physical pain in the pit of my stomach when I heard them. 

Negative words have affected my life in many ways. More often than not, negative words have impacted my life in ugly ways, even if I try to ignore these painful words they still have a way of coming back to bite me.


Despite how Negativity plagues my life there is a silver lining. compliments, praise, simple phrases that make me feel good about myself, those words change me far more than the others. I can look back on these words on bad days and chase away the gloomy insults that stick to my brain. I can use my positive words to forget about the negative ones. Use the positive words you have heard to forget your negatives.

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