Living with Confidence | Teen Ink

Living with Confidence

October 28, 2015
By M.y.l.e.s01 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
M.y.l.e.s01 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Myles Nathan. I'm a swimmer,I play three instruments,and I'm openly gay. I've known since I was eleven years old. I've spent so much time hating and loathing myself for the way I was born. The phrase “in the closet” makes sense, because that’s exactly what it feels like; lonely, stuck, and trapped.You eventually you just become another piece of clothing with no voice, no individuality, and unable  to come out.

I used to pray every single night that I would wake up straight or I would insist that it was just a phase. I would do these thing until I realized it wasn’t working. I was never going to wake up straight, and it definitely wasn’t a phase. Upon realizing this, I saw that I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am or who I wanted to be.

I was still so afraid to tell anyone. I just felt vulnerable and insecure, thinking if I told anyone that I was gay it was going to be the end of the world. I was at one point considering just never telling anyone, but finally, I said to myself, “I would rather have it be the end of the world then pretend to be someone I'm not.”

It was the single most scary moments of my life. I knew that it was only two words, but the two words “I'm gay” terrified me. I had to get over the fear of what anyone said. When I finally felt I was ready, I waited for    right time but I'm not sure what I meant by “the right time,” until it WAS the right time; on the last day of school, June 11, 2014. I told one of my best friends, Edna. When I asked her if I could tell her something, my throat automatically tightened, and when she said, “Yeah? What’s up?” I felt like I couldn't speak until I just blurted it out! When I did, I burst into tears, I'm still not sure why, I just did but even if I could redo that moment, I wouldn't change a second, not for all the money in the world,  because the response was positive and even if it wasn't, thank god I had friends that are there for, ready to love and accept me for who I am and who I was finally ready to be.

Now, I smile and feel a rush as I say those two words with so much meaning. Everytime I get to share my story, and hopefully help someone else just to be themselves.Yes I have encountered some struggle but could I really call myself a regular human being if I didnt?

The author's comments:

I'm Myles, I'm now 13 and this peice took a lot for me to get to this point where I'm comfortable with writing something like this but now that I have I really hope it will help someone the same way storys like these helped me.

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