I Believe In Octobers | Teen Ink

I Believe In Octobers

October 19, 2015
By Anonymous

I believe in Octobers. I believe in all the joy, support, and mystery the month has to bring. I believe in the cool mornings, and pumpkin spice everything. I believe in finally being able to enjoy a warm cup of coffee without my body breaking into a sweat.

I believe in October babies, and being one of them, it really is the best birthday month. Being older than a lot of my peers, I tend to be the first of the group to experience getting my license, turning 18, and the overall feeling that I am simply, older.

I believe in the leaves changing from a bright green to a yellow, and finally being able to tell the hostess, “Yes, we would love to sit outside.” I believe in firing up the bonfire pit and trying to wash the smokey smell out of my hair for 3 days. I believe in sipping apple cider on my porch while munching on a pumpkin muffin because you can never be “too basic”.

I believe in Friday night football games, and watching Gumbo run across the field in his sandcrab attire. I believe in watching my senior class “jump shake their booties” with the cheerleaders. There is no better feeling than seeing the students decked out head to toe in school spirit, and pink for breast cancer awareness.

I believe in Halloween, and dressing my house to seem haunted. As twisted as it is I love watching the little kids inch closer and closer to the front door, scared out of their minds. I believe in the people who give out toothbrushes and the people who give whole candy bars. I believe in the orange and black colors that seem to take over grocery stores and neighborhoods, even though they are Creek’s colors.

I believe in Halloween Horror Nights and all things scary. There isn’t a better way to try to give yourself a heart attack than to step foot in Universal after 6 o’clock. That feeling that you are being targeted out of a crowd is as chilling as it sounds. I believe in the jam session on the way to Orlando with your group, and the silent snores on the way home.

I believe that October is a month full of joy and laughter. I believe that a world without Octobers would be drab and unexciting. I believe that October is the pick me up that society needs to make it until December. I am so glad we live in a world with Octobers.

The author's comments:

This was a creative writing assignment.

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