9/11/2001 | Teen Ink


October 23, 2015
By maddiecors SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
maddiecors SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wow, I can't believe tomorrow its been 14 years since the tragedy on 9/11!  Where were you and what exactly were you doing? For me, I was age three at the time watching my favorite television show Spongebob Squarepants. I was upstairs and I heard my mom calling my dad on the phone. He was at work and my mom started to cry. I came downstairs to the living room to where my mom was. She was still on the phone with my dad when the other plane hit the World Trade Center. I sat on the couch next to my mom for a long time until my dad came home from work. He left early that day.

I remember the news channel playing the plane crash over and over again. My parents sat in front of the television for the rest of the day. My two brothers and sister came home from school ( I think they may have come home early). They all were sad and knew more about what happened. I was too little to understand at the time what was going on. I just knew it must be something really bad. We stayed home the rest of the day and I was thinking how the next day was my birthday. Were we even going to celebrate still? We did go to Chuck E. Cheese the next day anyway. I just turned four. Other kids were there too having fun. We did not understand how the world had changed that day, but our parents were there and they all had blank looks on their faces.

I was too young to understand what terrorism was then, but I sure do know. September 11, 2001  has impacted our country in a huge way. It has changed the world. When you are at the airport and mad about the long security check you have to go through, remember why. Always thank firefighters and cops. They are the heroes of the day, as well as the regular people who tried hard to save others. I remember the story my mom told me of the rescue dogs. It still makes me sad. She said that after a couple days when the rescue dogs could not find anymore people alive, the dogs became depressed. Their trainers would have to hide items that they could seek so they could feel happy that they found something. I think of that every time I see a service dog. The pictures of the ash falling out of the sky and so many people being covered in it. It reminds me today of what the people of Pompeii may have looked like on that tragic day. That day many lives were lost and that affected thousands of families and friends of their loved ones. It affected our country, and the rest of the world.  Let us never forget! My birthday will be here the day after 9/11...that is how I think of that now.

The author's comments:

I wrote this when I was reflecting on the tragedy that took place on September 11th. 

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