Boss of a Bitch | Teen Ink

Boss of a Bitch

October 23, 2015
By Shelbynakamoto BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
Shelbynakamoto BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Another casual day at work, surround by our famous scent "Clutch," trying to fold the messy table in room three. The piles of Abercrombie t-shirts were turned over and scattered all across the wooden table. But then I was interrupted by a chilly sensation that came over me. My body cringed and shivered by the presence of her. I could hear her slippers drag on the ground, the slap of the slippers hitting the ground getting louder and louder.

My manager, Regina, walked right past me with her normal bomb shell perfume. I could finally breathe so I let out a big sigh of relief as she continue walking to the stock room. I didn't want to look up from the pile of clothes I was folding to make any eye contact with her. So I had to resist the urge to see the type of mood she was in because it determines whether or not my five hour shift will be hell or not. Regina stayed in the back for a good 30 minutes taking out all our new shipment I assumed, while praying she stayed back there.
But then the creaky door opened from the back and there she was coming back out with a demented face. She started walking to make sure the store was running well as my employees and I were shaking on the inside. Regina is the big manager and there are two other managers who help her run everything. Regina was talking to Sarah ,the other manger, who is super laid back and they were talking about our sales plan. I could hear their conversation become to a argument from them standing near the table I was folding. They bickered about how we are down $5,000 of our sales plan which in the tone of Regina's voice she was not happy at all. Regina started taking her frustration out on Sarah and changed the subject about how none of the workers are giving great customer service to the customers. Then they started to bicker even more but I moved tables so it wouldn't look like I was ease dropping on the conversation even though I was.

Then all of a sudden I here Regina storms off somewhere. I continue folding and I here this thunderous yell from Regina saying "MAYA!, HELLO! MAYA! MAYA!REALLY! ," thinking she was calling another employee. But come to find out she was yelling at me saying the wrong name. I finally look up at her and she is staring me down with her eyes bulging out of her head. I looked right and left and pointed at myself as I gulped with a dry mouth and words came out of her mouth with "YES YOU! STOP FOLDING THE CLOTHES AND GET IN ROOM 1 AND GIVE GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE!". I was frozen  like a little clueless and confused puppy getting barked at by this huge pit-bull. The inside of my body shaken and terrified wanting to speak up about how I am not Maya. I decided it was best for me to keep my mouth shut. At this time I was a new employee so I was still in training.

But stunned and confused with Regina screaming at me saying the wrong name but I had to move on. All that sour lemonade she poured on to me I had to just suck it up like a sponge and do the task that was given to me. This motivated me to work hard and show Regina I was a hard worker by giving the best customer service done by the one the only Shelby. I proved myself to Regina by running frantically all over the place trying to find clothes sizes for 3 different ladies, opening dressing rooms, preparing dressing rooms for people, and taking peoples piles of clothes to hold it at the cash register for them.

When I finally got to breathe a little Regina came up to me with her big hawk eyes staring me down, and in my head I am saying "what did I do wrong, did the families get their clothes, did I make a mistake, or am I fired?". These questions popped up in my head like a curdle of popcorn Pop, Pop, Pop! Scared of what she would say Regina opened her mouth and said "Your done!...... you did a good job!" I returned with a "OH!" in shock how fast time flew. Then she said "your my favorite employee!". It toke me about 10 seconds to process what she just said with my jaw down to the floor. I gathered my  jaw from the floor and held in my joy and told her with a professional face, "wow, thank you that is such a great compliment.". I was jumping inside because all that hard work was noticed. Soon enough I became her favorite employee with a nickname called "smalls," because I guess she never liked my name Shelby.

We have a diverse world and we will be stuck with people who are not the best to work with but don't pout or don't cry in a corner. Instead of being miserable and being slapped around it should motivate us to do the best work capable. And stick to how people we want to be seen as, be yourself, and push yourself to do a great job in whatever situation life throws at you.

The author's comments:

This is my best piece of work

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 16 2015 at 2:36 pm
sydneygadd BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Great Job Shelby! This is defiantly full of .enthusiasm. I can't imagine how you dealer with her. This was very easily able to picture.