Rollercoaster of Death | Teen Ink

Rollercoaster of Death

October 19, 2015
By Cam25Guy BRONZE, Rancho Mirage, California
Cam25Guy BRONZE, Rancho Mirage, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I felt a lurch of terror as I started to fly towards the ground. I could see the ground getting closer and closer. I thought I was going to hit the ground and die. Then I got to the bottom and started to fly back up another hill. I was insane for making this choice.

I am Cameron, I was eight years old and I was at a theme park called Knott's Berry Farm. I was there with my mom, dad and 2 brothers. My brothers names are Spencer and Taylor. Spencer was 11, and Taylor was 10. This is about when I went on a ride called the Ghost Rider, and it was definitely a good idea.
I had been in the park for a while with the smell of sweets in the air and the sound of roller coasters thundering by.

My brothers then announced, “let's go ride the Ghost Rider.”

As an eight year old I was still terrified of some roller coasters, so I mumbled, “I don’t think I am going to come on with you guys.”

Then, they both demanded “you have to go on it, don’t chicken out.” So I dreadingly started to tread over to the line.

We were waiting in the long line for what seemed like forever until we reached the seats to the monster. It was time to ride the Ghost Rider. I slowly walked over to the seats and I sat down with anxiety. The ride started slow as it crawled up higher and higher into the clouds. As the cart rose up the track, so did my fear.

About half way up to the peak of the drop, I knew it was too late to back out. Then, the ride reached its peak and my stomach dropped when I saw how high up we were. The ground looked like it was a million miles away. As I looked down, my heart started to beat faster, and faster. I closed my eyes and was just hoping that the ride would be over quickly.

The cart felt like it was taking forever to get up and over the peak of the behemoth. Then, we dropped and I heard the excited screams of the passengers that were riding the death trap with me. I felt my stomach lurch as we were hurtled towards the earth and I could feel the safety bar pushing up against my shoulders. All I could think was that we were going to die, until we hit the bottom and started to fly up smaller mountains.

When I got off the ride, the first thing I was able to speak was, “Let’s go again.”

This choice was important to my life because it was my first big roller coaster. If I hadn’t of gone on that ride, I know I would have regretted it. I learned that sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone and do new things like starting a new sport, or going skydiving. I think other people can learn that when you do something different and scary it is going to let you experience something new, and you will most likely have a great time.

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