The Train | Teen Ink

The Train

June 2, 2015
By chenoa_breeze BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
chenoa_breeze BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Would always be high as a kite, danced like he had ants in his pants. Poontang is what he called her since birth only her nickname only he could call her that. Tried to call me little poontang, that didn’t work, baby girl or lil’ Marleen they call me. Could always understand him! Always lookin’ fly from his shoes to his hat so smooth they called him Cheetah, fast with the women and always the life of the party. Never sitting down without the beer in his hand and the cane in the other. Strong as a lion and brave. Couldn’t tell him nothing.


Always stealing the spotlight loved me like his own. Always grinning from ear to ear with no teeth in his mouth when he see me. Was a handful but a good one. Always had a hat on, always was in the spotlight. Always put a smile on someone's face, that face was mine.


Always will be the life of the party always will be missed. Only get pissed when you mess with him. Always will be the party loved his family like he loved fried chicken but loved family a lil’ bit more.


He was the one little boy out of 10 siblings who was in the spotlight the one that you laugh with but not at. Never went ham unless he was dancing. He was a blessing disguise that everyone loved. I was a doubting thomas when I heard the news didn’t believe it was true, he was a strong man been through a lot. Had his foot cut off burned half his body in greece have throat cancer and still has a smile on his face. Happy as could be, always look like he had spent a arm and a leg on his outfit which he did. Sharp as he could be always pippin with the cane and had a swagger walk.


Hey baby girl he would say to me! Always gave him a hug when I saw him. Family took care of him every sunday sharp as could be always the sunday afternoon dinner. “Bring Cheetah”! They would say to him to make sure he ate some food. Still had the countryside to him. Never left home loved it too much. Never would let nobody know that he was crying over split milk.


The best Granduncle you could ask for always had the smile. Lived life to fullest. Never would know he had a chip on his shoulder. His time was against the clock. But tomorrow is never promising. Could never bite his tongue, loved him so much.


It was the train that day that he couldn’t hear made it just in time but the vortex got him, 35 pieces is what they told me. 65 he was finally in heaven with his mom and dad and aunt. Couldn’t be in a better place than with god and family. Shooker that he was gone this soon never would expect it from a man who knew that place the the back of his hand.


It was that one day that had got him news reporters everywhere. Tears flying down like cats and dogs depression it hit me looked down in the mouth. Miss him like crazy but he is looking over me saying “you got it baby girl, never give up love you.”


                 R.I.P Uncle Charlie “Cheetah” 

The author's comments:

This is dedicated to my uncle wo was killed by a train.

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