The Swim | Teen Ink

The Swim

May 25, 2015
By Lefty45 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Lefty45 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There it is, the University of Texas Lee and Joe Jamail Swim Center, so many fans and the pool is crystal clear with names like Michael Phelps displayed on the record-holder plaques. I headed over to where my team was seated. I looked down at my broken hand and thought to myself, that it will not get in my way. I was getting ready to jump into the warm up pool. I was amazed at how small I felt in the enormous pool.

The warm-up went by quickly and before I knew it they announced my event. As I prepared to dive into the water, I heard my dad yell, “right here, right now.” With a determined look I was ready for the start. The announcer said, “Swimmers take your mark.” The loud buzzer went and my heart was racing as I launched off the block. My start was perfect, well as perfect as it could be with my hand and forearm in a cast. Swimming my favorite stroke, breaststroke, my rhythm was perfect. I could feel myself pulling through the water. The race was close and I took a breath. Focused at the end, I stretched my stroke allowing myself to glide in the water. One more breathe and I was at the wall. I looked up and saw my name listed first. I threw my casted arm in the air in excitement.

Right after I finished, I went to the other swimmers and said good job. I immediately looked for my dad and he gave me a big hug and said, “Great swim J.” I had never swum so fast in my life. After that day, I knew I had done something special. Not only did I swim a personal best, won first place, but also I had proved to myself that I could do what seemed to be impossible.

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