The Messy Recpie | Teen Ink

The Messy Recpie

May 14, 2015
By rosie673 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
rosie673 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
life is like a box of chocolate you dont know what are you going to get

“Beep! Beep!” the smoke alarm went on and on, “NO! NO! NO!” I shouted my lasagna was burned into many ashes. It had all started about an hour ago I told my mom that I would like to do something special for my family.

      I started telling her about this recipe I found online and that I would like to try it out. “Are you put of your mind!” my mom screamed in a very sarcastic way. But after staring at each other for a long time she took all the ingredients out, for the lasagna, and turned on the oven. “Mom can you take dad and my brother and sister to the backyard? I want the dinner to be a surprise.” “Ok” my mom said briefly

After a while of getting everything ready I put the dish into the oven and left to the living room and listen to music. Well I kind of forgot that the recipe said 45 minutes and I left it for an hour and 45 minutes. It was a disaster the lasagna was standing their burned into ashes.

   Don’t you ever feel like your toast in other words your all by yourself and in a big messy situation. I didn’t know what to do my legs were like flags on a windy day going back and fort. And then my light bold went on I just had an idea I had some savings, so I order chines food. When I told my family all chose I had been through they started to laugh so hard.  And my brother like always from Italy we went to China.

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