Poptarts | Teen Ink


April 1, 2015
By Anonymous

Our stomachs growled to be replenished. It was a long day of ballin’ on little twerps, and everyone knows that ballin’ takes energy. Keaton and I ignored our stomachs and took our skills to the court. First you shoot around with your “crew” and scout the surrounding ballers. Keaton and I were the dynamic duo, just like Ray Allen and Rajon Rondo. This was no organized basketball, it was call your own fouls and if you call a foul you lose all respect. We demolished the competition and left them with a tear in their eye and a hole in their heart.
We planned to spend the entire day at the YMCA and so far we have spent a solid hour and a half ballin’ up a storm and demolishing in virtual dodgeball. We again found ourselves with a sense of hunger. Being at the YMCA we instinctively went to the snack bar to counter the need for food. Our luck had ran out, we had used it all on the court as we balled on twerps, the snack bar was closed. To our knowledge there was resturants but they had to be at least a mile and a half away. Although the distance it was enticing due to how hungry we were, except there it was in the middle of the winter and there was large gusts of wind blowing through. On the other hand there was a Wendy’s a mile away the other way. We both agreed that we were going to Wendy’s due to the shorter distance and they have bomb chili.
We switched out of our Jordans because you don’t want to scuff them, obviously. Then we begin our adventure as we open the YMCA doors, being hit by the cold winter air. Keaton and I look at each other, both realizing we had made a terrible decision.
“No turning back now…” says Keaton.
I reply with, “Dude we just opened the doors we can still go back inside.”
“But I’m hungry.”
“Same, lets go.”
This was only the beginning, we had set off on our quest to silence the stomach beasts. We actually were not dressed for the escapade, strutting in our basketball shorts, skimpy jackets  and half calf socks. The only thing that kept us going was the thought of delicious Wendy’s chili.
The wind had to be gusting at at least 15 miles per hour and we were starting to get hypothermia due to lack of clothes. After five minutes we were barely past the parking lot. We both couldn’t believe how cold it was. This was easily the worst decision in my life...well, mine at least. As we walked we came up with inventive ways to block out the cold, back to back switching turns who would take the blow of the wind. Our best idea was walking backwards to counter the wind. Seems like it would be obvious to do that but we were dumb teenagers.

As we approached Wendy’s we figured it would take another five to ten minutes to get there and there was conveniently a gas station to our left. We ventured on in, immediately being hit by a wonderful breath of warm air, and the smell of cheap overpriced goods. We took out our stash of cash and wandered helplessly up and down the aisles. Keaton and I were so hungry we couldn’t decide what we should get since everything looked so delicious. That was when we saw the greatest deal in the history of deals, free pop tarts with the purchase of a large drink. This was the perfect deal for us, we were able to get hot chocolate which would resolve the cold problem and pop tarts to end our hunger. It was a match made in heaven. This match was better than the celebrity power-couple Kanye and Kim Kardashian.
The only thing that put a damper on the whole situation was we had to venture back. Snacks in hand, Keaton and I trade looks.
“Now we must go back into the frozen tundra,” says Keaton.
That was when a notification popped on my phone from my quotes app, it said, “Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly ~Edward Albee,” and that was when I knew this entire trip was destiny.
As looked out into the blizzard I replied with my most heroic but not seeming too cocky voice, “Eh, it’s not that bad.”

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