The new kid | Teen Ink

The new kid

April 1, 2015
By Anonymous

Class had already started, and I was late because I didn’t know my way around the school yet. I walked into Mrs. Haas’s 2nd grade class. She was sitting at her desk while all of the other kids were reading silently. Mrs. Haas looked up at me and said, “You must be Olivia.” She then told me to not worry about being late because she already knew that I was new to the school. The next thing I know she is introducing me to the class, and after she is done she gives us fifteen minutes of free time. I turn around and a really short, brown hair, brown eyed girl walks up to me and the first thing she says to me is, “Do you want to be my friend?” And that is how I made my first friend at my new school.
The time came for recess. I was terrified because I couldn't find my friend from earlier, so I didn't know what to do. As I walked to the playground the girl I met in my class popped out of no where, and I was so relieved. We played and played until it was time to go in to lunch. I stayed with her on the way in to the lunch room, and then sat with her at her table. She introduced me to all of her friends that she sat with. We all talked about random things that 2nd graders talk about, and then the time came when we had to go back to class.
Finally my first day of school was over. I went home happy that day. I made some really good friends who became my friends for the rest of my years in Pennsylvania. Being the new kid wasn't so bad.

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