A Twisted Relationship | Teen Ink

A Twisted Relationship

March 26, 2015
By Anonymous

“I used you for sex.” I thought in my mind, what kind of “boyfriend” would say this to his so called “girlfriend”, this couldn’t be the boy I had fallen in love with, wasted effortless time to be around, and cared for. At this point I was in tears, so many thoughts were running through my head and the only word I could manage to say was “why?” He explained to me that he had lost interest in me, and had been cheating on me for the last three months of our relationship with another girl, and basically the fact that he just wanted sex out of me since I was vulnerable. I felt ashamed, humiliated. Of course still in shock along with being in love with him still I simply asked him for a hug, just to hold him one last time. I was going to miss him, I was going to miss being solely his. He turned around as I called out for a hug and looked into my eyes and said “no, I’m sorry, I don’t love you.” He then drove off out of my driveway.

At this point in time I was a wreck, I still loved him but couldn’t imagine if this was actually happening, I felt lifeless inside… my heart felt like it had been stabbed a thousand times, and I was in pain. I walked back into my house and then to my brother’s room and just wept to him.  

At this point my coping skills consisted of sleeping around with other guys. I had turned crazy bad, I was out of control and started to wreck every relationship I had… but I was not aware of this in the moment. I had dropped out of high school and my parents had no clue what to do with me. Again, I sincerely missed Evan, I still loved him and thought that he would eventually come back to me. But he never did.

As two years passed since our break up I have finally gotten over him in a healthy way, I have been through eighteen months of treatment, gotten over this jerk and have moved on with my life. I wanted to point out to girls across the world that there are going to be boys in our world like this, and the sooner you can realize that they are not good for you, the more heart ache you will save for yourself. Be strong and fight the twisted relationship you have in your life.

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