Our Song | Teen Ink

Our Song

March 17, 2015
By Anonymous

Have you heard of the sone "Shut up and Dance" by Walk the Moon? That's our song. That's the song that when the raidio turned on we immediantly went this is us. This captures what we feel every time we're on the dance floor. At my church, every month we have the chance to go to a dance. The kids who come, myself included, are all upstanding kids who want to be our very best and always live our beliefs and values. I'm not trying to say we're better then the rest of you guys or anything like that I'm just trying to say that the kids who come to these dances are good kids. None of these kids drink, none of them smoke, and most of them have a very deep belief in God. When we all get together at these dances you have a ton of fun. You get the chance to be yourself without the constant worry of being in a bad situation. You can lose yourself in the music and the people around you. At these dances, every thirty minutes or so they'll have a slow dance where you have to go and find a partener who knows a basic slow shuffle and who won't step on your feet. With the dances being about two to three hours long you'll dance with around four to six guys during the whole dance. It might sound like the prom scene from Napolean Dynamite but it's a lot more fun than it seems. I love it. The thing with the slow dances is that a lot of the time you'll get the chance to at least once dance with your crush if your standing near them when the slow dance starts. A lot of the time this dance ends up being the last slow dance of the night when the courage of young boys is the strongest. At one particular dance that I went to I didn't really know any of the boys, but one boy my age got up the guts and asked me for this last slow dance. I said yes of course, I mean, i didn't want to be rude! Anyway, the slow dance went pretty well, we talked about different things as the music slowly played and were secretly thinking about how cute the other person was. I mean when you're actually touching a cute guy it's hard to thing of much else. Anyway, at the end of the dance this guy got up every ounce of his courage and asked me for my number. I must say I was kind of flustered, I mean how many times has a guy asked for your number immediantly after meeting you? I was bursting inside and honestly quite proud that a guy wanted my number. Of course I gave it to him, what else was I supposed to do!? As soon as I got home from the dance of course there was a text message from him waiting patiently in faith that a reply would come. I texted him back and then it all began. We texted each other constently and constently were waiting for our phones to vibrate. I'd hod my phone in my hand and would risk looking at it for a second in class when the teacher turned away. After a couple of monthes my phone was exhausted from carrying this unraveling story. So since my phone wasn't going to keep up anymore this we went to emailing. We emailed during our study halls at school and would spend days inside at the computer idling away at a fairytale unwinding. It was during this time of emailing that he sent me the song that would become "our" song. Please don't get me wrong, there's nothimg more between us then a friendship in which we tell each other everything but it still feels like "our" song. I think it's maybe cause everytime either of us hear it our souls kind of fly back to that pure innocent happy moment in our lives where a little bit of courage turned into a budding friendship. But it's even more then that. It's the feeling of the dances and the want for more. It's the love for the beat of a good song. The want for something not to end. It's what I love. It's music. Music can built you up and make you soar. I think that's what makes us love it so much. It makes us remember who we are and remember what it's like to be ourselves and have fun. That's what a song can do. That's what one song shared between two people can do, and I'm in love with it.

The author's comments:

This is based on a true story and even though there isn't anything romantically between me and this guy, there is a friendship which I hope will last for a long time. :)

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