The Best Live | Teen Ink

The Best Live

February 13, 2015
By Kendra Shell BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Kendra Shell BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I heard the screams and looked up, up, up, and thought wow. I looked at my friend Jeana, and she had this look on her face saying oh yeah. Right as I was about to tell her that there was no way I was going to go on that thing, she said, “Yes you are. You are going to go on this with me because it is my birthday.”
“But the line is so long.”
“So? We are going to go on it, and you are going to love it, because you love me and I want to. Oh, but don’t let me get out of line because I will probably start freaking out half-way through it.”
If she knows she is going to freak out, why are we doing this?! We walked up to wait. We were at Cedar Point with my youth group, but we were in different groups, so it was just my friend and I waiting. It was my first time at Cedar Point.  As we kept moving through the line, I got more and more excited while Jeana started to freak out, and get nervous. 
At the halfway point, I was super bored, tired of standing and slowly moving forward. I was also cold because it was chilly out. I started texting on my phone to my mom and my friend Evelyn, while Jeana sure enough got scared and started to freak out. I, by this point was totally calm. Wow I’m hungry. I can’t wait for later tonight and all the bands at pointfest. But then, I saw them. Two college guys a little way behind us in line.
“You see them too right?” I asked.
“ Oh yeah. You aren’t seeing things.”
The two guys were playing patty cake! Just standing there singing patty cake as loud as they possibly could. They were pretty tall and it looked like there was some girls who were with them who looked a bit embarrassed. Huh, they sing surprisingly well. But really?! Are they really playing patty cake? Then the line slowly started moving again, and I couldn’t see them anymore.
Once we got to right by the ramp, where the people were coming out, my friend froze.
“What?” I asked.
All she did was point with a shaking finger. I turned around, and saw them. I froze.Then I started jumping up and down. I couldn’t believe it! This is the best day ever! It was the lead singer, and drummer from the Newsboys! The Newsboys are are a christian band who was playing that night at pointfest. They have been around for awhile but they are still one of the best groups ever in my opinion. They were getting on the roller coaster with two people. Wow they are lucky.
“ Wow, they are so lucky!” said Jeana.
“Whoa you literally just read my mind.”
“ Ha, I’m good.”
Then, off they went. Nooooo, come back.

But then a couple minutes later, they were back, and getting off looking wind blown and coming right toward us!  My wish came true. Huh, that has never happened before. Then, right as they were walking past us, the drummer who is kind of short, put his hand up and fistbumped us! He had startling blue eyes and short hair, which I have never realized before I met him up close.
“ You ready to rock tonight?!” he asked. We stood there in shock as he walked away.
“Kendra, did that really just happen? Because if it didn’t, pinch me now.”
“It really happened. We toatlly just fistbumed the drummer form the Newsboys!”
We started jumping up and down. We couldn’t believe it! There was a couple behind who were laughing at us. I don’t care if they think we are crazy! That was awesome!

We calmed down and finally got to the front of the line and were next. There was red lights hanging from the ceiling making the room look really cool. I looked over at Jeana.
“Jeana, are you ready for this? Because I am so excited!”
“No I am not ready! Hold my hand please.”
“ Jeana, I’m not going to hold your hand. Just close your eyes and scream. That’s what I used to do when I was little and scared of roller coasters.”
“Ok. Do not be afraid if I sound like Darth Vader after, because my voice will be completely gone.”
“Haha, ok.”
Our turn had finally arrived. We climbed in and buckled our seatbelts, and the bar came down.
Then we heard, “Ready? Go ahead.”
We started to move forward. Jeana was shaking next to me. Up, up, up the big hill we went. Then WHOOSH. Down we went. I screamed. Jeana screamed and closed her eyes. The wind was whipping my hair all in my face. And then we were turning, then turning again. The rest is all a blur. All I remember is screaming, wind, laughing, and my hair whipping all over my face.

As we walked off, Jeana was going crazy, jumping up and down.
“I did it! We did it! That was amazing! Best. Birthday. Ever.”
“So you liked it?”
“Well duh! Totally worth the wait!”
“Good. Now lets go, I’m hungry.”
We found our leader Becca and went to get food. We also met up with the rest of our youth group.  What I got from the long wait in line is that some things, such as waiting in line for Millenium Force are completely worth the wait. I learned that it is worth it to have patience and wait for something, even if it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do. Jeana said it was her best birthday ever; so it was a good day.

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