Smile | Teen Ink


February 10, 2015
By LovelIwrite BRONZE, Escondido, California
LovelIwrite BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes people tell you they know how you feel truth is only two to five people know how you feel but they can't exactly compare the pain that one has in their heart with the one they had. Everyone has a different story to tell and they also have very different advice to say. It's hard to stay up when the world is telling you to stay down, but smile and think positive its not easy but it'll get easier when the time passes. You're strong and you can't see how amazing you are. Smile through the rough times.

The author's comments:

People always told me that they knew exactly how I felt but then I realized not everyone knows how I feel.

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