Just One Mistake | Teen Ink

Just One Mistake

February 8, 2015
By Abby Bell BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Abby Bell BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

While the media has a huge influence on society, society also has a big influence on what happens in the media from day to day.  People sit down on Thursday nights to tune in to their favorite TV show or invite friends over on a Saturday night to have a big movie marathon.  While watching these programs, people often think to themselves about how pretty this actor is or say to a friend about how you just heard that this celebrity was caught in the news with drugs.  The constant judging of these people makes our society the reason for so many problems in the media and in pop culture in general.  We may look up to celebrities, but they aren’t perfect.  it may be hard to see this sometimes, but even celebrities are normal people just like us. 

Everyday, we wake up and eat breakfast, maybe go for a run, and get ready to take on whatever this day has to offer us.  Celebrities go through the exact same process.  The only difference is that celebrities work is in Hollywood and will be shown in front of millions of people, or maybe their work is training to become the best athlete they can be so that they may make the hometown proud.  We go through our day in our office jobs or sitting in school making plenty of mistakes, maybe saying things we shouldn't have said.  But we don’t have a camera following us around, watching our every move and capturing our mistakes to show them off to other people.  Celebrities, on the other hand, always have someone taking their picture or videoing them to show off to the world the next big mistake made.  When we, as a society, see this mistake, all we can do is think to ourselves about how awful that certain celebrity might be, and not take into account that maybe we have made those same mistakes before.  Maybe she did sleep with the wrong man or maybe he did get caught with drugs.  It isn’t like it has never happened to any one of us. 

It’s hard to relate to mistake made by your role model.  You look up to them and want them to be the best that they can be and get disappointed when they make a wrong decision.  But that doesn’t mean that they are a terrible person.  These celebrities have so much pressure put on them everyday because they know their every move is being captured, somehow and someway.  They try to be extra careful with what they do, but most of the time, they end up making a poor decision along the way.  The people that are shown in the media all the time didn’t sign up to be a role model, they signed up for acting careers or sporting careers.  But with that job, comes the price of being a role model. 

Many celebrities love the fact that they can make a positive difference on the world.  They use their power in the industry to help fund charities and try and help people to see themselves as better people.  But often times, these celebrities will fold under the pressure and end up crashing and burning on the side of the road with no one to pick them up.  For example, Lindsay Lohan was put under so much pressure while being such a young star that she ended up spiraling downward very quickly and not knowing how to pick herself back up.  Society has judged her for all of her negative actions, but have we done anything to try and help her? 

All we can ask for as a world who look up to such powerful people is that these people always try their best.  And no matter what, they are doing what is best for them, which is really all we can expect from someone who is put in the spotlight everyday to showcase their talents.  Along the way, everyone makes mistakes, but we all try and pick ourselves back up to keep moving forward with our lives.  We have to support one another in everything that we do, which includes supporting our role models, the celebrities of our society.

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