Something is Missing | Teen Ink

Something is Missing

February 8, 2015
By TaylorMae BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
TaylorMae BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is something missing in this world since you went away. The grass isn't as green and the sky is always gray.

And with every morning that passes, the birds still sing their songs, and the wind still blows. And when the day comes to an end, the sun always sets just as surely as it rose.

But nothing means as much as it did before. You've gained your wings to wait patiently at Heavens door, a part of me you've kept. 

Though time still passes by in days, weeks, and years. I still ache so vividly, so many tears I've wept. And I know my prayers can't bring you back, even though I've tried. I'll never be the same again, no matter what the price.  

The author's comments:

Resy Easy Anthony "ManMan" Holland. 

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