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teen inc

January 27, 2015
By thomas prince SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
thomas prince SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Baseball, America's favorite pass time. Why do we love baseball so much? Maybe it’s the effort and skill it takes to be a baseball player. I’m going to explain some of the things that make baseball so great and what it takes to play the game.

        What does it take to play baseball? Lots of hard work, effort and skill. Baseball requires a lot of practice if you want to be good at it. On the team I play for we practice everyday after school is over and our coach made the practice lot of fun for the team. The stuff we practiced was infield and outfield, hitting and running. You have to have a certain skill level to succeed at this great sport and be athletically inclined and a love for the sport .
       On the field they have 9 positions and while fielding and batting both take a lot of skill a lot of people say its harder to hit the ball than it is to field it. The anticipation of being in the batters box is a great and very cool feeling it is even better if you get a good hit. you have a left and a right batters box obviously it is self explanatory what they are for. You have the home plate and your strike zone that is the width of the plate and from your knees to your chest and it is difficult for the pitcher to get it into that zone. Now we can talk about the field. There are nine positions six infield and three outfield my favorite position is shortstop where you play in between the 3rd base and 2nd base and you have to have a good arm and be quick to play there. The pitcher is a key aspect to winning, if you don't have good pitchers then you are going to get "destroyed" as we in the business like to say and you will walk a lot of batters and that's never good.
         A great part if baseball is the friends that you make playing the game. I have made a ton of friends metaphorically speaking playing baseball. It gives you a great feeling when your your teammates work together to win a game and you always have fun after the game. Weekend tournaments are always a blast for me and my friends because you get to see your buddies outside of school and your outside having fun. Over all I think playing with your friends is one of the best things about baseball because it's no fun playing on a team where people hate each other and are racist to people (inside joke from MQ) lots of coaches can make or break the team by their attitude our coaches have always been great. TQ' made the team really fun he always had a great attitude and made practices fun for the whole team and he hated losing so we always tried our hardest to succeed and win our games.
        I've gone over some of the things that I believe make baseball the best sport that you can find but that's just my opinion try it yourself if you don't believe me as they say "Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet" doesn't get any more American than that!

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