Failing Doesn't Mean It's Over | Teen Ink

Failing Doesn't Mean It's Over

January 21, 2015
By Juan Quilambaqui BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Juan Quilambaqui BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know something? I could be one of the smartest and talented person you could ever meet. But you know something? I'm not. In fact I am the laziest, boring, lamest person ever. Why? Because that's just how I am, and for that I am currently a demo junoir in high school. I have very low chances of graduating with the class of 2015 and my friends. It seems to me that I already failed. My parents, my family, my newborn son, my girlfriend.. I have failed them all. Wait! no I havent failed them all. There's still time isn't there? Yea I could do it. I failed a year in school but that doesn't mean I failed in everything. I can still graduate in time without goin to summer school or coming in next school year as a demo. Once I get all 24 credits by the end the school year I will graduate across the stage with a smile on my familys face. But failing once, doesn't mean that it's over.

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