Embarrassing Moment | Teen Ink

Embarrassing Moment

January 5, 2015
By Sarah Kanehl BRONZE, West Des Monies, Iowa
Sarah Kanehl BRONZE, West Des Monies, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  In the summer a couple years ago I went to my friends house.  We usually ride our bikes and go to the gas station.  As we were riding our bike to the gas station it was starting to get cloudy, and as we left the gas station it started to rain. We were trying to get back to her house as fast as we could. When we were down the street I tried to stop the bike but the brake handle wasn’t working well. I tried it again but I added more force on to it and it stopped to fast.  Since it was raining the sidewalk was wet so I ended up falling over the bike onto my back.

I was with my best friend so she was laughing at first but then helped me.  We went to her house I had a black print on my shirt from the ground. My friends older sister Chloe had a friend over at the time and they were laughing at the print on my back. They gave me a new shirt to wear because we went to their neighbors house after . My friend lives in Beaverdale and it storms and floods there a lot. As we got to their neighbors house we decided to play a game named Spoons.

  Maddi and I decided to go to her house before it starts to rain again. As we were walking out the door we saw that it’s already raining and the streets were flooded. We had to go to her house because her mom would be worried so we walked through the street. The water was up to our knees and it was windy outside . While Maddi was walking when her flip flop came off and she fell pulling me down with her. We both got up and tried to get to her house and she didn’t bother looking for her flip flop.

When we got inside we were drenched in water and Chloe laughed at us. She told us that we shouldn’t have left her neighbors house while it was flooding out. After it rained we decided to get cleaned up because I had to leave her house soon. Before I left Maddi and Chloe wanted to play a game on their Xbox, they wanted to play a game called Hole in the Wall. The game is where you have to stay in a certain position for a certain amount of time without getting hit by the imaginary wall.

Maddi and I were on the same team so we had to do the same position. When it was our turn we had to walk round to get in the certain position. As we were getting into place we had to be in,  I tripped over something on the ground a cut the side of my chin, and at that time my dad called telling me he was going to be picking me up.

My dad calls me Clumsy Suzy a lot because I always fall or trip over something at the wrong time. I get my clumsiness from him because he falls a lot too, but always blames someone for tripping him. My dad always embarrasses himself even if we’re somewhere nice or fancy.

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