Three Amigos | Teen Ink

Three Amigos

December 17, 2014
By Anonymous

Three 18 year olds were born in very different places, but same style. Robert the tall, in shape, man, standing 6’5 and weighs about 190lbs. He was born in a very rundown area in Detroit. Got involved with a lot of gang activity as a young boy. The gang called “Delta Side” was his sanctuary when he mom and dad were fighting. He ran away as a young boy to join and be apart of them.

Typically he did what gangs do which is stealing, drugs, killing people the whole 9 yards. Always had an interest in 80’s style clothes for some bizarre reason. He had some strange ability to read minds as well. With being with Delta Side he meet this guy named Miguel Rodriguez.

He is 6’4, 205lbs and is a body builder. Very smart person but being smart for the wrong reasons. He got arrested as a young boy for selling drugs, but smartly put a tracking device in the drugs for him to see where they went and his plan was to go steal them back and keep the money. It didn't really work that way and instead the cops found where they were. Likes to steal really expensive suits and wear them a lot. He has only one insecurity about himself which is his skin disease called vitiligo. You can see it only on his hands so he has always wore gloves to prevent it from showing.

About one year later this man named Bizz Demelo came along and took over Delta Side in a bad way. He came along one night and shot and killed our leader. He took over and everything started to become crazy. He sent people on certain death missions and started to run a human trafficking ring. He raped multiple woman everyday just for the pleasurement. He got killed so many and all that was left was Robert, Miguel and a few other guys.

We needed money considering Bizz spent it all, so he wanted to rob the biggest bank in the state with just 6 guys him included. It started off fine until a person who worked at the bank started shooting at us and we needed to hurry up before the cops came. He robbed the bank got 250 million dollars and we didn't make it very far as we were stopped by half the state police waiting right outside the door.

The three amigos and others along with them were found guilty and sentenced life in prison without parole. Oddly enough all three of them, Miguel, Robert, and Bizz, were thrown in the same jail cell. This made all of them miserable, arguing everyday about what should have and should have not happened. They were sick and tired of each other, and more than a few times they starting fighting physically.

After two years of all this fighting, they were spilt in different jail cells. One day in their 3rd year of being in prison, they came out for an hour for lunch, and put their differences aside and plan what they were going to do to get of the prison.

“Bro, we need to get out of here!” said Robert.

“I know, I know.” said Miguel in a very stressed and depressed voice.

“How about we on the bus to go to court for possible reconsideration of chance of parole we can attempt to escape.” said Bizz.
“Oh ya and if we get caught there will be no way we even have chance for parole.” claimed Robert.

“Were not going parole anyway. Think about guys, we fought in jail numerous times, murdered, stole, robbed banks, and to top it all of ran a gang as well as a Human trafficking ring.” claimed Bizz.

Robert and MIguel looked at one another and decided to just go with the plan, regardless of how stupid it is. One week later they were boarding to get on the bus, and it was time to make their move before they got on the bus. Bizz, Miguel, and Robert all gave each other a glance and to start making their move. Bizz asked to use the restroom and the guard wouldn't budge, while that was happening two other guards were being taken out behind him by Miguel and Robert who stole batons from the officers they escaped from. Robert came up from behind the guard  Bizz was talking to and Robert snapped his neck.

The alarm went off as Bizz, Miguel and Robert hot wired a police car and managed to start driving out of the prison. It ended up being a massive prison break although the down fall was, they were stuck in the middle of a massive desert. They managed to get out the prison, but not with a big convo of the Law right behind them.
“Faster Miguel side!” as the cops were right on their tail.
“I’m trying bro!” yelled Bizz.

“Ok ok, pull around the corner by the big palm trees.” Robert said swiftly.

“Alright.” said Bizz.

They pull around the corner and just got far enough to where the police couldn't see them. They are all shocked and as soon as the coast is clear they drove off west. A couple days later the car ran out of gas and they were stuck in the middle absolutely no where. They couldn't see anything within miles.

They got out with only a jumpsuit and a shotgun they found in the cop car. They kept walking west hoping to find food or water.  

After miles and miles of searching, the men became tired, and fell soundly asleep for many hours.

Just after midnight, Bizz woke up with a jolt.

“What was that?” he whispered.
Slowly, the others began to stir.

“Huh?” said Miguel, squinting up at Bizz in the darkness.

“I heard something. It sounded like a huge bang in the distance.”

“Lets go check it out.”Bizz insisted.

They all swiftly got up to check it out. They all looked over what seemed to be a massive crater.
            "Oh my goodness, it looks like the      Prison we just escaped from blown into pieces!" Miguel claimed.
“You're right it seems we have gone in one huge circle!" Robert realized.
"I can't believe that just happened! What could have caused that?" Bizz said.
    “I dont know, but whatever it was, it started because of us. Look there are a couple of people that managed to survive!” Robert said.
“Your right, lets go check it out.” Miguel said.

They all went over there to see who survived, and saw that many prisoners did. They told them to follow them if they want to survive, and so they did. There were about 15 prisoners out of hundreds who have died, and it was only those who survived. They now started walking east as there starvation kept rising by every step.

They were all waiting when and where they were ever going to find food and/or water. Until that very night they stumbled upon something that would benefit them greatly. 
“Hey, hey, hey, look guys. There is a oasis about a mile away from here. There has got to be water!” Robert claimed.

They all dashed with every last ounce of their body trying to die before getting there. They all oddly kept got closer and closer and closer, and there it was water and lucky for them food which would be chicken. They all gathered stick to make a fire. Many drank tons of clean water. They cooked up some delicious juicy, mouthwatering chicken and then they all rested sweet and sound hearing cricket sounds putting them fast asleep during the night.

They wake up the very next morning to see a beautiful sunrise. They got up brought the leftover food and and as much water they can carry with them. Later on throughout the day, a very interesting question was brought up by Bizz.
“Who exactly should be running this little group through our adventures to find civilization?” Bizz asked.

“Definitely not you!” said Robert.
Bizz took massive offense to what RObert had just said to him. BIzz felt that he should run this group due to his previous leadership skills with the gang.  
“Plus you didn't handle our gang well either. You took it over and got so many I love killed!” Robert yelled.  Bizz and Miguel stood there with no expression on their face.
“We’ll I suppose you’re right Robert. I may have went over the line a bit, but nonetheless, I was the leader then  and I’m the leader now. End of story.” Bizz dictated.

Everyone stood with discussed faces as if they did not want Bizz to be their so called leader.

One man shouted,

“Hey you didn’t help us get food and water, Robert did! You didn’t even seem like you wanted us to come with your little trio, but Robert stood up and said we could come and we will us survive!”

A massive roar from the rest of people chanting Robert over and over and over again. Robert stood up and said,

“I will now take over this group and will not let any soul die under my command!” Robert claimed.

Many people gathered and started to follow the direction Robert was going.

People really liked the way Robert was handling things. People were happy, eating everyday and drinking plenty of water necessary for them to survive. One night, around midnight, a man from the group mistressly died in the middle of his sleep due to poisoning. The blame automatically went Bizz, but he proved that there was no way he could done that because he was on patrol across from where he died. So the blame was directed to Miguel, but he also proved he was sleeping across from where he died. So then the blame directed towards Robert. The only thing is, he couldn't prove that he didn’t because he slept right next to the the man.

The question arose as to why Robert would do that, but no one would bother to listen to Robert.
“People please listen, you must believe me  that I didn, wouldn’t kill this man. There is no reason I would.” Robert claimed.

“Ya you would!” a random man shouted.

In the background Bizz, had a very criminalized smirky smile that suggested, despite him denying it that he killed the man. A day later Bizz was appointed the leader of the group due to the murder of a man by the previous leader, Robert Correa.

About a couple weeks later chaos has arose due to the poor decision making on his part. No food and water has been supplied and nothing is has happening as to moving on to find civilization elsewhere other than the middle of the desert.


The people rioting, screaming and shouting and Bizz, asking when we're changes going to be made. Bizz tried to settle the riot and about to give a speech.

“Please, please settle down. Now please we need to discuss this humanly. I know things are bad right now but we need to remember that i’m doing the best I can right now.” 

As soon as Bizz was going to start his next word, he got shot by a shotgun from the crowd. Bizz exploded swiftly to the floor as blood was flowing like a river out of his body. Robert and Miguel dashed over to Bizz, and despite having differences with Bizz, he was a brother to both Robert and Miguel.

Robert and Miguel both looking at Bizz in disbelief, and suddenly everything went very slow for them as if they slowed down time to really capture what just happend. As Robert shedded a tear, he was also angry to the man that did this. Miguel oddly went missing and nowhere to be found.

A week went by and everything wasn’t the same for Robert. For some reason this affected Robert more than he thought. He wasn’t sleeping, he wasn’t speaking, he wasn’t doing anything but being silent and just kept walking wherever the group was going.


Meanwhile, Miguel was doing the best he could with what he had. Miguel managed to find water. So they all scrambled to it, but some didn’t manage to get some. About a week later three people died due to heat stroke and exhaustion. They were buried and they had to keep moving on.

A couple hours later, they seem to have come upon what looked like a vacant bus in the middle of nowhere. They came up close, and saw through the window was food. So they swiftly charged into the bus with no hesitation and they ate it all. The things is that it was all the some dream, some fantasy that felt so real to them. Robert was the first to realize this and immediately got off the strange bus and told everyone to do the same, but of course they didn’t listen and they kept eating. Miguel came out not long after realizing the same thing.

Robert and Miguel soon realized that it was some enchantment of some sort in the bus that made them keep eating. But what they didn’t but soon would realize is that as soon as the enchantment wore off, its already been years since they first got on the bus to when they got off.

Robert walked in 21, he walked out 25. Miguel walked in 20 walked out 24. It was completely crazy and not real to them. Miguel and Robert ended up leaving the others behind, because they were too caught up in it and wasn’t paying any attention to them. 

They ventured onward by themselves and survived for quite awhile, and then they came up a village, as they like to call it Heaven Village.


They have come to the doorstep of what seems to be paradise as they have traveled miles and miles and miles to get where Miguel and Robert are now.

"We made it!"cheered Miguel.

"We did and it's well deserved!" crying Robert.

They went in the little village and discovered two very beautiful village nurses that both Robert and Miguel instantly fell in love with. There names were Jennifer and Jessica. They both Robert and Miguel stayed for about 3 years at the village. Robert and Jennifer broke after 2 years while Miguel had two little boys with Jessica.

Robert found out that there was a city about 2 miles west of the village and decided to leave westward the very next day he heard. Miguel obviously stayed with his beautiful family. Robert said his goodbyes and then he ventured off once more.


Robert eventually found the city and actually unfortunately died after a week there due to a disease he picked on his adventure west. Miguel lived with his family as long as he lived and he eventually died about 70 years later when he was 95. He's kids had kids and those kids had kids, so he was a great grandfather by the time he was 95. As for the rest of the people who escaped but ended up in that bus, they all died due to dehydration and hunger.

  Chapter 9: Authors Notes
I would like to note that those names in this book were allowed by those people for me to use them.

This was also a fun book for me to write.

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