Society Today Through A Teenager's Eyes | Teen Ink

Society Today Through A Teenager's Eyes

December 16, 2014
By Alexis1027 BRONZE, Lorida, Florida
Alexis1027 BRONZE, Lorida, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not measured by the breaths you take but it's breath taking moments.

In the world today you are judged by what you wear, your skin, your weight, and the people you hangout with. If you're not in the hottest trends you are considered basic and lame. If you're not "white" you are criticized for it and made a big joke. They then all laugh and say they were "kidding". If you're too heavy, you are fat. If you're too skinny, you are anorexic. If you talk to boys, you are a sl*t. If you don't talk to boys, you are antisocial. Where does it end? No matter what you do, you don't stand up to the standards of today's society. It expects girls and boys to look like Victoria Secret and Calvin Klein models. Society says, "be yourself" but, then says, "no, not that way". People judge other people on their outer appearances. That isn't who the person really is. If you crumbled up a piece of paper and stomped on it, then smoothed it out and said sorry, it still has creases and dirt marks from stomping on it. So, the point is they can apologize and make it seem okay but that person is still hurt.

Many of these problems lead to self-harm and depression, even suicide. In 2010 more than 12,337 people self-harmed. This year self-harming increased by 70% in 10-14 year olds. Suicide takes the lives of nearly 40,000 Americans every year. Some studies show that girls are more likely to self-harm than boys, but sometimes boys seem to handle their pressure by punching a wall instead. That is not considered self-harm. This is not how the world should be. Someone shouldn't bully or judge you by the shirt you wear because under our skin we're all the same.

In 2013 the big thing for girls was "thigh gap" meaning your inner thighs couldn't be touching while your feet were together. This year is "bikini bridge". This means a girl's hip bones are so prominent that it suspends her bikini bottoms away from her abdomen. Guys are expected to have these rock "rock hard abs" and muscles.

This is the pressure of today's society and if you don't have it you are considered fat. People then will try their best to get that body if it means having to get an eating disorder. By the time that person is satisfied with their body they're getting judged for being anorexic or bulimic. There's your answer! It doesn't end. It will keep pushing that teenager until the point of death. It is sickening that this is what the world has done to a teenager's self image.

I believe if society started worrying more about the morals and the future of teenagers instead of their outer body appearences, we could make a change.

The author's comments:

I see teenagers struggling with these pressures and I can relate to some of them and I think someone should speak up and say how they feel about it to make a change.

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