Transition from Middle School to High School | Teen Ink

Transition from Middle School to High School

December 16, 2014
By Jantzen Luther BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
Jantzen Luther BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye”. This quote from Helen Keller helped me with the transition from middle school to high school. It told me even when times are tough always keep your head held high. One of the biggest obstacles I had to overcome was my transition from middle school to high school. 
My transition from middle school to high school at first was very scary. My first few weeks of high school were the hardest because we had a lot of work, and I wasn’t sure how the upperclassmen were going to be. I was scared that they were going to be mean and stupid. Also the work in high school is harder than the work in middle school.
  My transition from middle school to high school I was kind of excited at first.
The reason for that is because I hated middle school so much. But
I was overwhelmed by all the work, and the students, and the school in general. One of the main reasons I didn’t enjoy my first weeks of  high school was all the reasons I named, but also it was because I just wasn’t quite ready for it.
I was also scared I was going to be late for class all the time. I didn’t know where my locker would be. I thought I would have a ton of tardies, and then I would have to serve detention. I have never had a Saturday school before. So one of my biggest fears was I was going to have to be at school all the time on my day off. The worst part about all of that would have to get up early in the morning.

Half way through my first year at high school things started to get a little bit better. I got a lot more used to my schedule, and I have started to like my classes a lot more. I like my teachers.The
are really funny and less strict than middle school teachers! So over all my transition from middle school to high school was one of the scariest moments in my life!!!

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