When I Started High School at Olney | Teen Ink

When I Started High School at Olney

December 16, 2014
By Faith Stallard BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
Faith Stallard BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

¨A bend in the road is not the end of the road… Unless you fail to make the turn”. To me, this quote from Helen Keller is talking about overcoming obstacles. It is saying that even if there is a change in plans, it will be okay as long as you accept the fact that it is there. One obstacle like this that I have had to overcome was when I started high school at Olney.
When I was in eighth grade, I found out that I would be starting my freshman year at Olney. I was actually looking forward to high school at Noble because I knew the school and liked the teachers. I knew that Noble did not have much money, so I cannot say that I was surprised about the annexation. People had petitions and fought about it a lot. I was worried about sports, classes, friends, and anything else that was possible. This all made the end of eighth grade and the start of high school scarier.
Then the day came. My heart was pounding louder than the roar of teenagers while I walked in the door on my first day of high school. I was so nervous because this was nothing like Noble. When I was starting seventh grade, I was afraid that I would get lost in the Noble high school. That was nothing compared to Olney. I barely had any classes with my friends from Noble, which was strange because we were almost always in the same class when we were in Noble. It was weird because I was used to twenty people in my grade, and now there was closer to 170. The worst part was that I did not know them, they did not know me, and I would probably never make a bond with them as strong as the bonds I had at Noble. The entire week was frightening.
Now that we are over three months into the school year, it is not nearly as bad. I know lots of people, but we are not great friends. This is better than not knowing anyone though. I am also no longer worried about getting lost. Even though I am still adjusting to everything in Olney, I am surviving.
Still going along with Helen Keller’s quote, I am happy to say that I saw the bend in my road. I did not let it be the end of the road though, and I made the turn. Although I was not thrilled about coming to Olney, I accepted it. Starting high school at Olney was a difficult obstacle, but I overcame it.

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