The Transition from Middle School to High School | Teen Ink

The Transition from Middle School to High School

December 16, 2014
By Daylen Woods BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
Daylen Woods BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye”. This quote from Helen Keller helped me with the transition from middle school to high school. I had some hardships along the way. Overall I did complete this hard part of the journey.
      The transition from the last day of middle school to the first day of high school was a nice transition at first. The last day of middle school was good because I was leaving the school I did not want to enter. The first day of high school was good because we didn’t do anything but go to our classes. Another good thing about the first day of high school was that we didn’t do any homework, but our parents did.
       The first 7 weeks of high school was very challenging for me because I didn’t think I was ready for it. The first 7 weeks of my high school year were the worst weeks. The first 7 weeks were my worst weeks because I had big projects and a lot of homework. Another bad thing I worried about was getting to my locker and classes, I was worried because I thought I was going to be late.
         Now it’s halfway into the year and I feel confident that I will pass. I have gotten used to the schedule so it’s easier now than it was when the year started. I like the classes because the homework is easy and understandable. I like the teachers because they help me with my homework. Also, they are not as strict.
         As I said, before the transition from Middle school to High school was overwhelming, However I got through it because that quote from Helen Keller helped me. I learned that things have to get worse before they get better. So I stuck to that quote and I got through It.

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