The Hunt | Teen Ink

The Hunt

December 5, 2014
By Cameron Patton BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
Cameron Patton BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Life is either a great adventure or nothing” said Helen (Keller). It was October 28, 2014 on a Tuesday. I Cameron, was fourteen years old, it was the fall of my freshman year in high school. I got a new bow and a climber stand to go hunting. Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate, I too had to overcome an obstacle of a climber stand.
Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate. When Helen was a baby, she got sick and became blind and deaf. The Keller’s hired Annie Sullivan to teach Helen trust, obedience, and language to overcome Helen’s obstacle. In the end, Annie taught Helen what she wanted to but the only thing is Annie had very little time to complete Annie’s task.
The obstacle I had to overcome was the fear of falling from heights. The way I overcame my obstacle was by a hornets nest. My dad, Derek  and I was in the same tree and the hornet’s nest was above me in the next tree. My dad wanted the hornet’s nest to share with people. So we climbed higher to cut down the limb. But after he started cutting the limb I was like “ Ahhh dad there is hornets starting to come out of the nest!” He thought they would already be gone by then because it  got cold already. So he let go of the limb and said “Maybe we should wait till next year.”Right after he got those words right out of his mouth more hornets were coming out the nest. He is highly allergic to anything that can sting him and I'm kinda that way, the next thing I know he was already on the ground and I was stuck in the tree with the hornets. Once I just got the stand, it was pretty new to me and I was having some difficult problems getting up and down the tree. I ended up taking my time and ignoring the hornets swarming around my head. Finally, I was on the ground and I ran to my dad and we waited till all the hornets were gone.
Although our obstacles were different, we share a few similarities. Helen and I both had to learn something new. Helen also as I had to get over our fear to complete a goal. Everyone learns from the many experiences we have.
As we go through life we have to overcome Many obstacles. It may be dramatic life changing happenings or it is maybe just overcoming height and hurdles. I learned from Helen’s experiences that, sometimes it is hard for other people to teach us, but after time we always find out what they are teaching us about. I learned from my experience that if you take your time and don't get over nervous your goals will be achieved. ”Regardless of the magnitude of your problem, it will take perseverance and much fortitude to solve your obstacles” as Bernita (Clarkson) would say.

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