Mexico vs United States | Teen Ink

Mexico vs United States

December 5, 2014
By Edaurdo Mayorga BRONZE, Olney Ill, Illinois
Edaurdo Mayorga BRONZE, Olney Ill, Illinois
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Have you ever been in spanish class and the teacher is giving you instructions and you have no freaking idea what that guy is saying. The year was 2006, it was a shiny sunny day at the old Mayorgas’ house in Mexico. We were watching the movie Rocky when suddenly my dad, Eduardo comes running in the house all excited. He was so excited that he came in so fast into the room that he smashed and broke our front door. He came into the living room all jolly and told us that he was transferred to the United States of America. The car company that my dad works at is called Hella Electronics. And the manager of Hella Electronics asked my dad if he could come to US and work at the same company that is located in a town called Flora. So my dad agreed and he was transferred. My dad decided to live here in Olney and not  in Flora because he thought that Olney was a better town to live in than Flora. It was in a jolly mood but yet upset because we would have to leave the rest of my family and  I would have to leave all the extraordinary  food and drinks. Much like Helen Keller overcame her obstacles of not being able to communicate with other people, I too overcame my obstacle of coming to the US and learning a different language.

Helen Keller did something extraordinary in her lifetime because she was not able to communicate with other people because she was both blind and deaf due to a disease she received when she was only just a child. Helen's’ mother Kate and father Keller were discussing if they should take her to an Asylum because they couldn't do anything to help Helen. Until one day Keller and Kate decided to give Helen one more chance to improve. So Keller brought Annie Sullivan into the picture. At the beginning, Annie couldn't get Helen to touch her because to Helen, Annie was just another stranger. So in order for Annie to teach Helen, she had to gain her trust first. That way Annie can teach Helen how to communicate with other people.
Like Helen Keller, I too had trouble communicating with other people. The year was 2006 and my dad Eduardo got transfered from his job here to the US to a company in Flora called Helle Electronics. My dad decided to live in Olney because he saw that it was a better town to love in that Flora. And also because he thought that the schools were better than Flora. So the first thing that my dad decided to do the first day we arrived was enroll me in school. The first day of school was probably the worst day of my life because I didn't know anybody and I did not know what to do or where to go. I felt like a black person coming moving into a white school. Walking down the hallways going like “yay yay, ya what up player”. I remember that there was a teacher that spoke both english and spanish. So that helped like crazy. I also remember my first english word, and that was “sorry”.
so day after day I got better and better. I still struggle sometimes through the day, but it was not like before.
During Helens’ life and my life, we both overcame something important. The ability to be able to communicate with other people. We also had a teacher there to help us along the way. And at the end, we now are able to communicate with others. That is a very important skill we need to be able to do.
Helen and I overcame something very important in our life, the ability to communicate with other people. I learned from Helens’ story that anything is possible with hard work and determination. Even for a Mexican like me. I also learned from my experience that anyone can learn another language. It just takes patience and hard work. From the great words of Helen Keller, “alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much”. That statement is true because I couldn't be able to learn English because I needed help from teachers and other students to be able learn the language. Or like the great Eddy Mayorga once said, “ losing is not about coming in second, it is coming out of the field knowing you could have done better.” I know that that's true because I believe that I am doing the best I can to learn and get better at this language, and I believe that Helen did also.          

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