Seven Months to Overcome | Teen Ink

Seven Months to Overcome

December 5, 2014
By LexieBug BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
LexieBug BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome” said Wilma Rudolph. My name is Lexie Rubsam and on a late Saturday night in April, a seven month journey was started. The doctors to this day still do not know what is wrong with me but I learned to overcome it with hope, prayer, and bravery. Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate. I too overcame my obstacle of excruciating pain that still hurts to this very day.
  Helen Keller had to face the struggles of being deaf and blind when she was only nineteen months old due to a sickness that overtook her little body. Luckily Helen lived, but unfortunately the sickness took her sight and hearing leaving her in silence and darkness. When Helen was seven, Annie Sullivan came into Helen’s life with one purpose; to teach her. Annie got Helen to trust her then taught Helen obedience and language/communication in a short period of time helping Helen overcome not being able to communicate. I too had to learn how to overcome my obstacle just like Helen overcame her’s.
What I overcame was terrible pain that had me gasping for breath, clutching for life, and giving up all hope. What started as a small stomach ache turned into a situation that stumped all doctors. How I realized I had this obstacle was simple; the constant pain that left me laying in my own wet tears. The pain spread through my stomach up to my chest, then back, arms, and lastly neck. The doctors to this day do not know what this problem is, I still suffer from the pain, but I realized I had the power of love, hope and prayer to help me through this all.
Helen and I both struggled immensely but we both found a way to overcome it. Helen and I needed to be strong and have patience through it all, I learned that the hard way. Lastly, we both needed to be brave and keep in mind that it’s never over. If we did not do that then who knows where Helen and I both would of ended up.
Both Helen and I struggled but we bravely overcame it. Helen had a hard life and she taught me to just stay strong and brave. What I learned from my experience was to stay positive and have an open mind; I will live through it, I have my family, friends, and the good Lord cheering me on. “Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” In the lasting words of Helen Keller.

The author's comments:

I wrote this to show people to never give up no matter how hard it may be. Just always stay brave and strong and you'll be on your was to success.

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