Standing Idly By | Teen Ink

Standing Idly By

December 5, 2014
By JaBles BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
JaBles BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are situations in life where we have to make a choice to either stand up for what we believe in or watch as an injustice occurs. I see injustices happen a lot, but don’t intervene because I think is it really worth it. A long time ago I was a part of a situation in which I stood idly by as I watched my best friend get pelted by an egg, worst part about that is I did nothing about it when I could of.

                                                                                                                                                             This incident happened to me and my friend Devon when we were in the 8th Grade. Devon and I have been friends since 1st grade so we have been through a lot of things. Devon was really smart in school and also really good at cello. I’ve always been bigger than Devon ever since I can remember. One day after a long day of school, Devon and I were walking home from our usual bus stop. He and I were chit-chatting about the new Call of Duty game that just recently came out. As we were walking to my house we were suddenly stopped by a disturbance. This disturbances name was Jimmy, and Jimmy was more than just a disturbance, he was a constant pain in the butt. Every day he would pick on Devon because of him not being good at sports. Jimmy was easily bigger than Devon and he saw that Devon feared him, but Jimmy was not bigger than me. He called out Devon’s name, as Devon was turning around to respond he was immediately surprised to see Jimmy with an egg in his hand. Jimmy threw the egg and pelted Devon right in his chest. Devon was stunned by the egg as it completely ruined his brand new white DC shirt. I stood there in shock thinking what I should do. I decided not to intervene with their conflict and just help Devon home. Jimmy walked away in laughter thinking he was the coolest kid alive.


Now today I think about what I should have done to help that situation never occur. There were many solutions going through my head but I didn’t want to act on them because that could have affected my school life. Today I still see that kid around and I think to myself karma is waiting around the corner for Jimmy but in reality he is still doing fine walking by as if that incident never happened. My mind is still wrapped around how nothing bad has happened to this kid, meanwhile Devon is still in fear of being pelted with an egg. Every time I rear back my arm near him he flinches in fear, if I knew what the outcome of that incident would have adapted into I would have never stood idly by. If I had another chance to stand up for my best friend Devon I would’ve in a heartbeat, but honestly I would have beaten the life out of Jimmy.
                                                                                                                                                                      I don’t like when I see injustices happen, because I think of the incident that happened in eighth grade to my best friend. Standing idly by when an injustice happens is a terrible feeling; standing up to that force can only make you a better person.

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