A Nice Snow Day | Teen Ink

A Nice Snow Day

December 5, 2014
By Anonymous

Waking up with warmth and comfort hearing the sound of snow falling on to the ground with a soft thump. You can't wait to get outside and throw snowballs, go sledding, or even in some people's mind go shoveling to make some extra money.  Going down stairs, you're holding two blankets over you like a cape to ward off the cold. Then on the counter there is a warm pot of hot coco with three marshmallows floating on the top!  Taking a sip, you are wondering what you are going to get for Christmas. Finishing the coco, the door opens and your parents come in the door with snow covering them like frosting on a cake. They are asking you,"do you want any breakfast?" Obviously, you are saying,"yes." You see the nice warm chocolate pancakes heating up and see the chocolate start to melt on the pancake. The pancake is finally done; your mouth starts to drool in excitement to eat the pancake. The pancake is on the plate just waiting to be eaten then,"Crunch," the pancake turns in to a crescent moon. Finishing the pancake and quaffing down milk makes you feel like you are in heaven.


As more snow starts to fall harder, the telephone starts to ring and it's your friend asking you if you want to go sledding with his family. Again saying ,"yes," he comes and picks you up and says "be ready to be dangerous!"  As the laugh starts to come out of you, you think in the back of your head how awesome this is going to be sledding. You finally arrive and hear the sounds of kids yelling and screaming. Then you get your sled out of the car and starting to walk towards the snowy hill covered with the other kids. Finally, at the top of the hill, you grab your sled with a tight grip. Then leaping in the air and SWOOSH! down the hill you go, snow hitting your face, making you feel cold. Finally, the sleds stops and you get off. Starting the journey up the hill again and again until your friend's parent says time to go.


As you get to your house it's almost dinner time. Your family is there. They made soup just for you because they know that you just went sledding. As the soup is finished the steam rolls off the side of the bowl and the spoon is covered with noodles. Grasping the spoon with your hand. Taking some of the soup out and eating it with the rush of salt going down your throat. After a while you finish the soup, feeling warmer than an oven.Your parents say its time to go to bed. Walking up your stairs, you are hoping this day will come again and again!

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