A Scary Night | Teen Ink

A Scary Night

December 4, 2014
By falloutboyfanaticgirl BRONZE, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
falloutboyfanaticgirl BRONZE, Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?" -John Green

Our confirmation class was gping on a retreat and to get there we had to travel around a mountain, now I know the Appalachian Mountains aren't very tall, to some they are just hills, but they can get very steep in places. Our church van is a very old vehicle, maybe 10 years, and was obviously not built to climb steep inclines in the middle of winter with very icy roads. Pastor Robert was driving the van, with Pastor Amanda driving her car behind us since all of our stuff didnt fit in the van. Pastor Robert missed the turn he was supposed to take and, rather then turning around, he just kept going up the mountain, thinking that it would be a quicker route. The slope gradually got steeper, skinnier, and icy-er, and I remember hearing one of my friends, who was currently riding shotgun, say "The roads to icy. We better turn around before we loose the opportunity to." But Pastor Robert kept going and all of a sudden the van jerked to a stop. Everyone fell silent as all we heard were the groaning of the van trying to move forwards. The van got stuck in the ice and could no longer go forwards. We called Pastor Amanda who was in the car behind us and told her we were stuck. We had to quickly exit the van, since the brakes weren't working very well, it was slowly sliding backwards. There was barely any room since to our left was a very steep rock wall, and to our right was a cliff. I still do not know how Pastor Amanda managed to turn around without driving off the cliff. All of us were terrified, not knowing what to do. One of my best friends was nearly in tears because her dad was Pastor Robert and he had to maneuver the van down the hill without dying. We were also freezing, as it was the beginning of February, one of the coldest months of the year. It was probably about 12-15° Fahrenheit out. As Pastor Robert started to slowly back the van down the hill, hegot to close to the cliff and nearly fell.  Everyone was praying, saying things along the lines of "God, please listen. Help us get through this and have us all come out alive." Nearly ten minutes later, and when the sun was nearly set, God still hadn't answered our prayers. Pastor Robert got stuck again and couldn't get out. It was getting colder and colder out, and the only way we could control our fear was to sing some songs. In between songs we would say a prayer. Finally we got to "Say Something" and we were all in tears. God wouldnt respond to our prayers and finally we looked up at the sky and shouted "God! Please! Say something I'm giving up on you!" Several minutes later we reached the bottem of the hill, completely safe, and thankful that God had listened to us. It was one of the terrifying experiences in my entire life, and im just scared for the next retreat. I realized, even though the Lord may not respond right away, he's still listening. He won't ever let you down.

The author's comments:

Me and my confirmation gang went on a retreat. We had to trust in the Lord, and he came through for us in the end. He always will. 

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